This workout will make you set a standard, meet the standard and push you to beat the standard.
The Warm Up
20 seconds on/10 seconds off (2x at each exercise) (@ 7 minutes)
- Jumping Jacks
- Squats
- Lunges
- Skiers
- Toy Soldiers
- Arm Circles
- Inchworms
The Workout
Go through all 10 exercises then repeat for a total of 3x through. The first round is where you set the standard (example 15 pushups). The next time through – you focus on meeting that standard (doing at least 15 again). The final round – you push yourself to beat the standard (more than 15). Write down all your numbers after finishing to make sure you can compare reps. No excuses/lies.
35 seconds on/15 seconds off.
- Push Ups
- Reverse Lunges
- Underhand Rows
- Jumping Jacks
- Squat & Press
- Kneeling Snatches
- Tricep Push Ups
- KB Swings
- Woodchoppers
- Mt. Climbers
The Finisher
20 seconds on/10 seconds off (10 rounds)
Plank hold