First 2021 Boxing and DVRT Workout

Boxing DVRT Workouts

It is now 2021 and no time for excuses. Take an hour to complete this and feel better about yourself!


Two minutes of work time, 30 seconds of break between each round. Fourteen total rounds. You can either use gloves/heavy bag or pick up some light weights and shadow box for the the boxing rounds.

The rounds

* Note – I have written these out for an orthodox stance.

  1. Straight punches
  2. Jab/Cross/Left Hook/Small Step in any direction/Cross
  3. Cleans (with a sandbag)
  4. Jab/Left Hook/Cross/Right Uppercut
  5. Jab/Jab/Cross/Right Hook/Left Uppercut/Cross
  6. Squats (1 minute bear hug/1 minute front loaded) (with a sandbag)
  7. Jab/Cross/Left Hook/Step Left/Left Hook/Cross
  8. Jab/Cross/Left Uppercut/Right Uppercut
  9. Offset staggered grip rows (1 minute left/1 minute right) (with a sandbag)
  10. Jab/Cross/Overhand Right/Left Uppercut/Cross
  11. Left Hook/Cross/Right Hook/Jab (out)
  12. Shouldered lateral lunges (1 minute left/1 minute right) (with a sandbag)
  13. Non-stop movement (focus on your footwork)
  14. 30 second straight punches/30 second uppercuts (repeat)

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