I have enjoyed looking at multiple hosting options through clients in the last few months. Yesterday I worked with Plesk on one account and another who uses Yahoo! for hosting. Just as I was getting ready to write a positive blog post on Yahoo’s web hosting I ran into a snag when uploading and preparing the WordPress site for my client…Yahoo! does not allow you to use mod_rewrite Permalinks. So instead of having nice URLs like /services/ and /contact/ you have to use ?page_d=4. Gross. So in short – if you are using WordPress and want to maintain it yourself (always have the latest, most secure version, etc) I do not recommend using Yahoo! for WordPress sites.
Crazy Signs/Places Serenity Now!
Nothing Says Safety Like Liquor and Lotto
I love America…especially when we have the “state safety rest area” and next to it a big liquor and lotto store. Awesome. Thanks to my sister for capturing this great picture on her recent travels.
CSS HOWTOs Web Development
Page Shift Fix for Safari and Firefox
Ever have a site that when clicking through pages would slightly shift to the left or right? This was driving me crazy and finally after doing some research I found a hack that will do until I can find the solution: