Jappler.com will be moving to a new host ASAP. I have been moving hosts for awhile now…and thought I had a good one: hostgator.com. After some downtime and idiotic conversation with the “support”, I decided I deserved better and needed to be able to take more responsiblity for my web presence. I decided to go, upon recommendation from Ken, to ServInt (the people that fark.com use)
[tags]web hosts, jappler.com, ServInt[/tags]
Apple UNIX
podcasts, nano, emacs, vps, and magnetic poetry.
podcasts: I am a workaholic. I stop to take the dog out, eat, and watch Guiding Light. My grandmother listened to it on the radio. My mother watched it on the TV, and now, I can make the next jump in technology…CBS is now offering each episode as a podcast. iPod nano: Good work Apple. […]
Apple Serenity Now!
crazy safari.
Not sure if anyone else has accidentally done what I just did, but I got a kick out of it and thought I would share. I looking at a web site in Safari and decided I wanted to grab the URL and drag it onto my desktop for later use. Instead, I heard the “poof” […]