Tag: MySQL

Hints jappler.com

repairing a mysql table

I have run into some database problems over the years, but had to do something different today when I saw that this site had a problematic table (wp_posts). When I looked at the issue first, I got the message “MySQL error code 145 = Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired”. To repair […]

Business Hints Hosting jappler.com Serenity Now!

Out of Disk Space

If you all the sudden get database errors (select, cannot login, cannot write, etc) – and everything looks ok (from the database end of things) check to make sure you have not run out of disk space. How do I know? Well – let’s say last night I had to do a major fall clean-up. […]


MySQL Tips

After several days of researching and reading about how to solve a MySQL replication problem, I found a great resource on MySQL I thought I would share: MySQL Tips.


So Long, Farewell ben!

After working with Ben for almost eight years he had decided to move on. I wanted to wish Ben all the luck in the world. We had a great time working together for many years…as he put up with my on again off again relationship with Mac OS X Server and I put up with […]

Web Development WordPress

my first wordpress plugin: WP-rssStats.

After talking to Scott I finally have a plugin which I am excited to develop and excited to share with the WordPress community…a plugin that will allow WordPress admins to see exactly how many people are subscribing to your WordPress RSS feed and who these people are. Why would I do this when Feedburner is […]

Web Development

learning php.

A big thanks to Scott for pointing me in the right direction. I just got back from the store with the huge book he recommended – PHP and MySQL Web Development. I plan to start work on my first “from scratch” WordPress plugin in the next few days. [tags]PHP, MySQL, WordPress[/tags]

Hosting jappler.com

mysql database corruption.

What got me up early Saturday and then up at 1am on Sunday? Server hardware failure…which led to some database corruption. I have never had to deal with database corruption, so I did not even know my problem was database corruption until after calling the helpful tech guys at Liquid Web. (I am not one […]

Apache Web Development

apache 2.20, php 5, and mysql 5 on mac os x.

After finally getting some to to set up my development environment, I began thinking…why am I not using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.1.2? What made me think about this? “Legacy Release” The phrase “legacy release” is what httpd.apache.org described Apache 1.3.x as in their news section. I have been using Apache 1.x for several years […]


MySQL/phpMyAdmin Errors

Somethings, I just forget…again and again. Yeah, I need to go through the W3C School’s SQL tutorial and learn more about it and databases in general, but for now, here are some helpful tips for people like me that rely on MySQL, but often fall into the same novice traps/problems. I do not install MySQL […]