Tag: Mail.app

Apple Serenity Now!

mail.app Version 3.1

I have been using Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) for multiple weeks now, and I am absolutely fed up with Mail.app (others are as well). I rely heavily on email for all aspects of my business, and I finally had to resort to using webmail today so I would not waste any more time troubleshooting […]

Apple Hints HOWTOs

outlook users having issues with mail.app attachments.

A few days I came across a problem with Microsoft Outlook users not being able to open any attachments sent by someone using Apple’s Mail.app application (the default Apple email application). Fortunately the fix is quick and easy! The real problem: Apple, by default, uses a “Rich Text Format” (RTF) for composing all new email […]

Serenity Now!

Fun With Email and Mail.app

I learned something today that I cannot believe I did not know/use before today…if you click on the replied, forwarded, etc icons within mail.app message list, it will open up the email that you sent in response, forward, etc. How very handy! How did I not pay attention to this for the last six years? […]


Fun Mac OS X Screenshots

I spent the majority of Monday night cleaning up my hardrive, my email, my server space, and my iDisk. During this cleanup I saw some interesting (and in my mind funny) things…I just had to take a screenshot. Enjoy. The first screenshot is from my Mail.app. Someone had sent me an html email that contained […]