Tag: Jappler Recommends


Looking For Inspiration for Over 12 Years: Apple.com

Over the past 12 years (I remember starting to look to Apple for great web design back in 1999) – I have often looked to Apple’s web site for best practices in navigation (top/tabbed), general layout, and usage of imagery when thinking about designing web sites for myself or my clients. I have to admit […]


The Neti Pot

When I first heard about the Neti pot I was actually disgusted and a bit afraid. Everyone who uses it though swears by it and told me it did not hurt, and was the greatest thing for their allergies, colds, sinuses. This past week I got a killer sinus infection and out of desperation decided […]


Jappler Recommends: The True Battle of Chernobyl

A few months ago – I caught one of the most interesting documentaries on Chernobyl on TV. If you have any interest in this event – check out the documentary online: The True Battle of Chernobyl. It is 90 minutes long and you can watch it full screen. It is definitely an eye opener.

Web Development

Asset Management with ResourceSpace

This is a follow-up post to my post: Asset Management. I spent an exciting Friday night going through the config, learning the workflow, setting up accounts, and getting to know everything that ResourceSpace has to offer. After a few hours of playing around and applying various customizations (with ease) I am sold on using ResourceSpace […]


Jappler Recommends: Words With Friends

I admit it – I am hooked on Words With Friends (very similar to Scrabble). One of my friends got me hooked last week and ever since I have been playing with him and some random people online. What is this? Think Scrabble with a beautiful interface, the ability to play one turn at a […]


Why I Use Google Docs

I have an assortment of clients – all who prefer to pass documentation back and forth in a number of ways: email, spreadsheets, documents, faxed, etc. Over the last year or so I have been using Google Docs for almost all of my client interaction/checklists/etc. Using Google Docs is great for a number of reasons […]


My New Obsession: Ancient Aliens

I have one of my TiVos set to record “TiVo Suggestions” (TiVo tracks what I like/do not like and then records other similar shows it thinks matches my interests). Awhile back I decided to go through the suggestions and to watch something new. TiVo happened to record an episode of Ancient Aliens on the History […]

Business Serenity Now!

Finding Your Pace

We all work at different paces. Some like to try and do everything really quickly so they can relax later. Others wait until the last moment and race to get things done (they find energy and excitement in the challenge to finish). Still others prefer to keep a grueling pace throughout the entire project in […]


Jappler Recommends: Work/Life Balance

Over the last few years I have, like most other business owners, struggled with a good work/life balance. While I do not feel like I am at an optimal balance yet – I know and I a lot closer than I once was. This can be tricky – but here are some tips that will […]


Old Hard Drives Laying Around? Try This…

A few weeks ago I decided I needed to upgrade my Mac Mini’s internal hard drive from 200 Gig to a 500 Gig so I could finally take a stab at getting my media in one place. For under $100 – I bought a 7200rpm 2.5″ Seagate drive and had it installed in no time. […]


Time to Reconnect and Disconnect

A few months ago I closed my Facebook account in order to try and stop wasting so much time on my computer/iPad/iPhone looking at my friend’s and family’s daily statuses, game play activity, and other garbage that got fed to me. Since then – I have not looked back and have been enjoying more quality […]


Jappler Recommends: Clean Up Your iTunes Library

I recently did some file cleanup on my main Mac to tidy things up, but indadvertedly wreaked some havoc with iTunes. I had a number of songs that had the “!” for missing and no really good way to delete all of them (there were too many). After doing a few quick searches on the […]