Tag: Hints

Apple Hints

don't forget about grab.app.

Over the weekend, I had to take a number of screen shots for a project that I was working on. In Mac OS X, you can take screen shots easily by holding down the Option + Shift +3 keys and then select a section of the screen you want to capture. If all goes well, […]


configuring ipfw on mac os x 10.3: revisited.

It has been a few months since I first posted about configuring ipfw on Mac OS X. Since then I have had a few random issues with startup that may have been related to my firewall settings, but I was never able to really hone in on the exact problem (because the problem was not […]

Hints UNIX

random bookmarks and such.

I recently went through my bookmarks and realized I had some cool stuff bookmarked, but forgot about it and wanted to share. Apple/Mac A History of Apple’s Operating Systems (http://www.kernelthread.com/mac/oshistory/). Apple’s Pro-IT Resources (http://www.apple.com/itpro/resources.html). Mac OS X FAQ (http://www.osxfaq.com/tips/unix-tricks/). UNIX Tools/Tips/Tech Resources Mail Relay Testing (http://www.abuse.net/relay.html). Snort (Network Intrusion Dectection) (http://www.snort.org/). UNIX Tutorials (http://www.unixcities.com/). Music: […]

Apache Hints UNIX Web Development

my OS X web development setup.

If you find yourself developing more than one web site at home, or anywhere with a *NIX machine with Apache, and want to be able to access all the sites for testing, it is time to set up Virtual Hosts. By using Virtual Hosts, you can access all your web sites easily (especially if you […]

Hints WordPress

spam karma plugin.

Since moving to WordPress 1.5 I have been getting tons of comment spam, but I finally have a solution. I am using the spam karma plugin. Within a few minutes of installing it I had it up and running, blocking comment spam left and right. In less than 24 hours, I have blocked 72 comment […]

Hints UNIX

good UNIX quick reference.

Everyone needs a good UNIX quick reference for the times you cannot remeber the command you need, but you know exists, and I recently found a good one, good enough to bookmark until I compile my own. The Univeristy of Washington’s Quick Reference: Unix Commands

Hints Standards Web Development

Clean Code With Tidy

When I first started creating web pages with using SimpleText or BBEdit, my code was super clean…it might not have been as complicated as it now, but everything was in it’s place and it was damn impressive to look at. Enter in GoLive CyberStudio (now Adobe GoLive). Lots of great features and awesome site management, […]

Hints UNIX

sed and awk.

In my latest bit of training, I learned about sed and awk. sed is a line editor (stream editor) (scripting with ed). awk is a pattern-directed scanning and processing language and divides each line to fields by separating words by spaces or other specified field separators. Some tidbits about using sed to quickly edit files: […]

Hints UNIX

regular expressions help.

No, the site was not hacked, I chose to write about regular expressions. I am in my last section of my UNIX/Linux Systems Administrator training and I am equally excited about regular expressions as I was about learning subnets. I know regular expressions are very powerful, and I remember enjoying subnets after I finally figured […]


speed up firefox.

Well, my friend Ben accidentally passed a link on to me that I wanted to pass on to others. If you use Firefox and you want to speed up your web surfing when you use your broadband connection, check out this cool guide.

Hints UNIX

more helpful UNIX stuff.

While I am taking my UNIX/LINUX Systems Administration training, I pick up cool UNIX tidbits and it is time to share some more of my latest tidbits. (First installment) Random commands and information I have jotted down: When compiling something from source code, I used to always use: ./configure then make then make install, but […]

Hints UNIX

network help.

Well. Today I relived my college days as a student taking Math 110 (Business Calculus). I felt like I understood…so much that I thought I got a 90% or above on the exam…then reality would set in and I would get a 47%. Welcome to 2004, Networking/DNS now replaces Math 110…and I am stuck on […]