Tag: Hints

CSS Hints HOWTOs Web Development

troubleshooting/debugging css.

After spending fourteen hours this weekend working on CSS for a project (99% positioning), I thought I should write something about troubleshooting and debugging common problems I usually run into in hopes it can save others a few minutes/hours/frustration. What to do when the unexpected happens (including when nothing at all): class(.) or ID(#)? There […]


print out certain line numbers with sed.

It has been a year now since I completed my UNIX/Linux certification training and every once and awhile I think about my friend Perl, but I really enjoy helping others with some simple needs. Ben (yeah, I got him using WordPress too ;)) aked me a great recently: Question: If i have a huge log […]



On my way home from work today, while in deep thought on the train, I came with something I thought I would share. “Appreciate things (people/places/things/situations) for what they are”. What made this come to mind? Dealing with difficult people, stressful situations, and a letter from a friend. But how do you deal with these […]


System Monitoring with Nagios – Part 2 of 4

I have decided to write a three part article on the benefits of using Nagios. The first article focused on why I chose Nagios/what it offers. This second article will focus on installing Nagios on Mac OS X. The third article will focus on configuring Nagios. The fourth article will focus on improving the Nagios […]


System Monitoring with Nagios – Part 1 of 4

I have decided to write a three part article on the benefits of using Nagios. This first article will focus on why I chose Nagios/what it offers. The second article will focus on installing Nagios on Mac OS X. The third article will focus on configuring Nagios. The fourth article will focus on improving the […]

Apple Hints

PowerBook/iBook Take Apart/Repair Guides.

I had the task of taking apart a friend’s Dual USB iBook, and since the hardware was not mine, I wanted to make sure I was careful and knew the shortest amount of steps to successfully upgrade her hardrive. I found a great resource I wanted to share called the FixIt Guide. You can choose […]

Apache Hints

apache support.

I cannot stress how amazing the Apache community has been when I have needed help. Not only do I spend a lot of time reading the great documentation on the Apache web site, I subscribe to the Apache mailing lists, and when I really need help fast, I jump on the #Apache channel using IRC […]



I found a great search resource this morning: YubNub Using a few commands, you can filter your searches by using certain commands to give the best match possible. Pretty handy. (There is even a Firefox plugin for YubNub) Other than that, I am completely exhausted from my recent travels. I am looking forward to some […]

Apple Hints

Mac Mini Surgery: Success!

Well, I ended up purchasing a mac mini (custom build) and a 23″ Cinema Display. (Why the mac mini? I am not happy with the G5 line as of yet) Anyways, there was no way I was going to let Apple put a gig of RAM in for me for over $300 when I could […]

Hints Web Development

know your resources: mailing lists.

I like to think I know a lot about web design, hosting, development, etc, but I also like to think when I am unsure of something, I know where I like to go. (not to mention I like to use commas) If you are a web developer with questions or would like to help web […]

Hints UNIX

linux/unix admin certified!

Finally…I finished up my last two Perl projects, and now am officially certified by the University of Illinois and O’Reilly as a Linux/UNIX Administrator. A big thanks to Ben for putting up with me and my frustration with Perl…which I kind of like now 😉 . A few UNIX hints for today: Did you ever […]