Tag: Apple

Apple UNIX

Changing the IP On Mac OS X Server, Lessons Learned

Is it common to change a server’s IP? I suppose yes and no. Yes, say you decide to move to a data center or your office moves or you want to configure a server to replace another server already using the IP you want for DNS reasons or you just need to reorganize your subnet. […]


Mail.app Plugins

When Mac OS X beta appeared on the scene with a mail application I was very excited. I was a die hard Eudora fan but I am always happy to try an Apple application…you know, since I have an Apple tattoo and all. I was very disappointed with what Apple had released so I went […]


Favorite Tech Web Sites

Each day I load up the same tech web sites in my browser’s tabs and I thought I would share them with everyone: http://www.versiontracker.com http://www.macdevcenter.com http://www.macnn.com http://www.macosxhints.com http://the.taoofmac.com/space http://www.macintouch.com http://www.php-mag.net http://www.phparch.com http://www.php.resourceindex.com http://www.afp548.com