The show full of “what’s the deal with this?” and “can you believe that?” is making me ask the same questions. From reading about the show’s DVD release… I found this deal which advertises all nine seasons for one price, but all the big stores (Best Buy, are only offering Seasons 1-3 on DVD. So what’s the deal? I was really looking forward to the one package!!
Google Research
Well, what do you know? Google has built a search engine that will search acedemic papers (Google Scholar). (And I though Lexus-Nexus and the online card catalog was cool) Good job Google!
Too Busy to Post?
Between my training (I am learning BIND right now, converting my sites to CSS, installing Mandrke Linux 10.1 and trying to prepare the house for my mother’s week stay, I have not been able to do too much fun stuff. I am also trying to finish up Tiger Woods 2004 so I can move onto […]