I have one of my TiVos set to record “TiVo Suggestions” (TiVo tracks what I like/do not like and then records other similar shows it thinks matches my interests). Awhile back I decided to go through the suggestions and to watch something new. TiVo happened to record an episode of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. (I watch a lot of space/Universe documentaries).
After watching the first episode – I instantly added it as a season pass. I have been absolutely fascinated by this show which tries to explain things (and make you think about it) like Stone Henge, the Pyramids of Giza, Nazca Lines, and the Moai statues of Easter Island (to name a few). These have always blown my mind so to watch a series on them which pulls in iconography, ancient texts, and modern day examples has been quite enjoyable.
If you have any interest in the world’s unexplained megalithic structures, etc – do yourself a favor and watch an episode. This will surely not disappoint.