Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

blogging causes breakup!

Well well…web 2.0 unexpectedly comes to life in my social circle. What? Someone that I know broke up with her boyfriend after “he wrote nasty things about her on his blog.” The blog changes everything! TMI everyhere! Back when I was younger I used to pass notes on a daily basis to close friends and […]

Apache Web Development

apache 2.20, php 5, and mysql 5 on mac os x.

After finally getting some to to set up my development environment, I began thinking…why am I not using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.1.2? What made me think about this? “Legacy Release” The phrase “legacy release” is what httpd.apache.org described Apache 1.3.x as in their news section. I have been using Apache 1.x for several years […]

Content Management Systems WordPress

wordpress development.

I have been using open source solutions for over seven years now. (my first open source experience was with mailman and then ht://dig and squirrelmail soon after – all of which I still use today) I made it a priority to get involved with at least one open source project this year, and to start […]

Web Development

web 2.0.

I know I reference several web pages, blog posts, etc but if you only one of my links this entire year…do yourself a favor and read O’Reilly’s article on web 2.0 “What Is Web 2.0. If you decide to follow two links, check out the other web 2.0 article: “The Hype and the Hullabaloo of […]

Serenity Now!

installing solaris 10, part 3.

Finally! (See part 1 and part 2) I have been wanting to check out Solaris for a few years, and now I have a fully functional system at home! Of course there were several roadblocks. CD errors. Drive space issues. Questions like: How do I boot from a CD? How do I format the hardrive? […]

Serenity Now!

people pet peeves.

Wow. While I find it interesting dealing with a diverse group of people, I also find it interesting that some people have no clue to to socially interact with others. My short list of people pet peeves begin here. The person who talks over everyone else. Wow. Sound familiar? I pick up the phone to […]


newton os lives!

Whoa. Not only is there a Worldwide Newton Conference there is also a beta out of the Newton OS port on arm-linux. Now we are talking! [tags]Newton OS, Apple Newton, WWNC[/tags]

jappler.com WordPress

wordpress by email.

Wow. Very cool. After several months of wanting to get around to setting up writing posts via email, I finally set it up. Now I can blog from my phone while on the train, in the car, etc. Sound cool? Set it up too! [tags]WordPress[/tags]

Javascript Web Development


After months of reading about it, I thought I would share some of the best articles on AJAX that I have come across: Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications AJAX blog 24 ways to impress your friends (several AJAX articles) AJAX Login System using XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequest and AJAX tutorials AJAX Magazine: AJAX Tutorials [tags]AJAX, […]



On my way home from work today, while in deep thought on the train, I came with something I thought I would share. “Appreciate things (people/places/things/situations) for what they are”. What made this come to mind? Dealing with difficult people, stressful situations, and a letter from a friend. But how do you deal with these […]


Relaxation, Finally!

After a long few months of long days and long nights filled with work, I finally took some time to just relax tonight (and get some SoCom 3 in). Earlier this morning (530am) I had finished up a big project Ken (happy birthday Ken!) and I were working on for a few weeks. Next on […]