Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


my other valentine: css.

Yeah, A has nothing to worry about, but I will not lie…I spent a good portion of this evening (while A was not here) with my other valentine: CSS. Why? CSS finally, after all these years showed me some love today. I have been cooking up a new CSS layout and the first check/browser check […]


new css layouts coming soon!

Last night I spent some time in PhotoShop Elements mapping out my next new CSS layout. As I finished up my rough layout, I began questioning – for the first time in a year or so – where I would begin for my CSS. For the past few designs, I have started off with a […]

Life Stuff

New Ping Irons Out: G5s

Well, I enjoyed having the latest and greatest Ping irons for two years, but my (G2s) have been passed by with the introduction of the G5s. This is just another reminder to me that I am not playing/living enough golf. Not only did I play under 20 rounds last spring/summer/fall, but I only found out […]


Nagios 2.0 Stable

Just after I got Nagios 1.2 up and running nicely (which it saved me the last few days with the server hardware failure) I get an email letting me know Nagios 2.0 stable has been released. I have been looking forward to Nagios 2.0 for awhile now, mostly because they simplified the conf files tremendously. […]

Hosting jappler.com

mysql database corruption.

What got me up early Saturday and then up at 1am on Sunday? Server hardware failure…which led to some database corruption. I have never had to deal with database corruption, so I did not even know my problem was database corruption until after calling the helpful tech guys at Liquid Web. (I am not one […]

Web Development WordPress

wordpress 2.0.1/tasks 1.6 update.

I decided to update WordPress to 2.0.1 and only have found an issue with one plugin (PageNavi). A huge thanks to the WordPress development team who have once again, released an easy-to-update release. As always, make sure you backup your WordPress install before upgrading. I also updated my Tasks Pro install yesterday to 1.6 and […]

CSS Web Development

web development fun.

You know the drill…one link leads to another and then to another until I stumbled onto Scott Johnson’s blog. One of his blog posts mentioned wanting some resumes for some CSS contract work so since I have some extra time, I decided to send him a copy of my resume and portfolio…and I am happy […]

Serenity Now!

bye bye ie 5!

Finally, afer years of pain and suffering (as a designer), MS finally stopped supporting and offering Internet Explorer 5 for Mac on their web site. I am not generally a fan of MS or MS decisions, but I have been waiting for this day for years. Sure…there will be people out there still using IE […]


Super Hero

Yeah. I could not resist. I took the quiz and this is what I got:You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 90% Superman 80% Iron Man 55% Hulk 50% Supergirl 47% Wonder Woman 47% Spider-Man 45% Robin 45% Batman 40% The Flash 35% Catwoman 30% Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination. Click […]


Diet Coke v. Coke Zero

As a recent convert to diet pop (yes, pop not soda), I recently learned about the difference between diet coke and coke zero. Surprisingly enough (well to me at least) I learned that Diet Coke is based on the New Coke recipe whereas Coke Zero is based off of the Classic Coke recipe. Makes you […]

Serenity Now!

Volvo 1, Souped Up Civic 0

Well well…if it is not one thing it is the other. I went to pick up Ken this morning at O’Hare and as we were in the first toll booth, stopped, waiting for the person in front of me to pay…smash! I did not know what happened for a few minutes, but then we realized […]