Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


print out certain line numbers with sed.

It has been a year now since I completed my UNIX/Linux certification training and every once and awhile I think about my friend Perl, but I really enjoy helping others with some simple needs. Ben (yeah, I got him using WordPress too ;)) aked me a great recently: Question: If i have a huge log […]

Web Development

Real Artists Ship

The perfectionist in me wants to wait to introduce a new design, etc until everything is perfectly in place. But recently, I was reminded that “real artists ship“. I am starting to get more consulting business and I was unhappy with my business web site design. It was dark, uninviting, and just felt heavy. I […]


Yum, TiVO Updates!

After turning on my TiVo this afternoon I noticed some awesome changes. I now have access to Yahoo! Photos, Yahoo! Weather, Yahoo! Traffic, Live 365 Radio Network, Fandango, Podcasts, and games. I am excited to try out the scrabble 😉 Nice work TiVo. If nothing else, I am excited about the traffic and weather options. […]


safari bookshelf's rough cuts.

I know this has been available for awhile, but I wanted to highlight it for anyone who has not heard of it. We all know and love O’Reilly books. I have several. I also have a subscription to Safari Bookshelf in case I have free time and want to read a good technical book. O’Reilly […]


css basics.

I had promised Doug I would have an upcoming post “that would change his life.” Well, since I am busy with a few projects, I have not had time to devote to this post. Of course this life changing post will finally convert Doug from using tables to CSS for page layout. In the meantime, […]

Serenity Now!

home ownership fun.

Fun times. Nothing says fun like finding weird things that the previous home owner thought was a good idea. Today’s fun thing: sump pump drainage into the driveway. Water flowing down the driveway + extremely cold temperatures = skating rink. I have spent the last 2 hours chipping ice, salting, chipping ice, and trying to […]

User Interfaces

Best Designs Are Results of Accidents/Mistakes

I have found over the last eight or so years that my best designs actually result from mistakes or accidents when working in Photoshop. Give me a few minutes in PhotoShop and I can whip up a good design or grpahic. Give me a few hours and I am willing to bet I will choose […]


my other valentine: css.

Yeah, A has nothing to worry about, but I will not lie…I spent a good portion of this evening (while A was not here) with my other valentine: CSS. Why? CSS finally, after all these years showed me some love today. I have been cooking up a new CSS layout and the first check/browser check […]


new css layouts coming soon!

Last night I spent some time in PhotoShop Elements mapping out my next new CSS layout. As I finished up my rough layout, I began questioning – for the first time in a year or so – where I would begin for my CSS. For the past few designs, I have started off with a […]

Life Stuff

New Ping Irons Out: G5s

Well, I enjoyed having the latest and greatest Ping irons for two years, but my (G2s) have been passed by with the introduction of the G5s. This is just another reminder to me that I am not playing/living enough golf. Not only did I play under 20 rounds last spring/summer/fall, but I only found out […]


Nagios 2.0 Stable

Just after I got Nagios 1.2 up and running nicely (which it saved me the last few days with the server hardware failure) I get an email letting me know Nagios 2.0 stable has been released. I have been looking forward to Nagios 2.0 for awhile now, mostly because they simplified the conf files tremendously. […]