Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny



Nothing like working hardcore until your body is compeltely run down…andI am there now. I have been spending at least 14 hours a day for the last two weeks working in some way or another and now I am paying for it. I was out of commission all of yesterday and again today. Send healthy […]


DJ GT vs. Project C

I listen to music all day long. I think it helps me work and stay focused and excited on my projects. I cannot speak highly enough about the DJ GT vs. Project C mixes from Generation Trance. If you like dance/electronica/trance music at all make sure you check out a few of the DJ GT […]


To MacBook Pro or to Not MacBook Pro?

I have been struggling over the idea of buying a new MacBook Pro (still not natural to say or hear) since they came out. I am not generally keen on buying a first generation anything from Apple…but then again, waiting for the next rev. might make me wait for a year. I will be using […]


Google Maps + Sopranos = Sopranos Maps

Fifteen months ago, when I knew I had to wait sixteen months to see the next season of Sopranos I was not sure I could wait…but with only a little over a week left before the first episode of season six, I am pumped. HBO has added Sopranos Maps to the Sopranos HBO web site […]


Video Blogs

Yeah, I am late to post about video blogs, but hopefully this will be news for some ;). I have been watching Rocketboom for a little over a month now and love it (today it went high def!). Not only do I watch it…my TiVo downloads it and has it ready for me every night […]


print out certain line numbers with sed.

It has been a year now since I completed my UNIX/Linux certification training and every once and awhile I think about my friend Perl, but I really enjoy helping others with some simple needs. Ben (yeah, I got him using WordPress too ;)) aked me a great recently: Question: If i have a huge log […]

Web Development

Real Artists Ship

The perfectionist in me wants to wait to introduce a new design, etc until everything is perfectly in place. But recently, I was reminded that “real artists ship“. I am starting to get more consulting business and I was unhappy with my business web site design. It was dark, uninviting, and just felt heavy. I […]


Yum, TiVO Updates!

After turning on my TiVo this afternoon I noticed some awesome changes. I now have access to Yahoo! Photos, Yahoo! Weather, Yahoo! Traffic, Live 365 Radio Network, Fandango, Podcasts, and games. I am excited to try out the scrabble 😉 Nice work TiVo. If nothing else, I am excited about the traffic and weather options. […]


safari bookshelf's rough cuts.

I know this has been available for awhile, but I wanted to highlight it for anyone who has not heard of it. We all know and love O’Reilly books. I have several. I also have a subscription to Safari Bookshelf in case I have free time and want to read a good technical book. O’Reilly […]


css basics.

I had promised Doug I would have an upcoming post “that would change his life.” Well, since I am busy with a few projects, I have not had time to devote to this post. Of course this life changing post will finally convert Doug from using tables to CSS for page layout. In the meantime, […]

Serenity Now!

home ownership fun.

Fun times. Nothing says fun like finding weird things that the previous home owner thought was a good idea. Today’s fun thing: sump pump drainage into the driveway. Water flowing down the driveway + extremely cold temperatures = skating rink. I have spent the last 2 hours chipping ice, salting, chipping ice, and trying to […]

User Interfaces

Best Designs Are Results of Accidents/Mistakes

I have found over the last eight or so years that my best designs actually result from mistakes or accidents when working in Photoshop. Give me a few minutes in PhotoShop and I can whip up a good design or grpahic. Give me a few hours and I am willing to bet I will choose […]