Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Work Work Work

Bork bork bork. 😉 I am so thankful that it is still 30 degrees outside with the possibility of snow. Why? I do not feel bad about working 14 hours a day! I have to say…even after working a full day down in the city, I look forward to coming home and working on Ookles. […]



I just got done reading an excellent article “How to be an expert” that hit home. How many times did I try to learn CSS, then get frustrated and go back to tables? More than a few times for sure! The take home lesson of course is that hard work and dedication do pay off […]


New Family Member: Ava

Amy and I have been involved in Greyhounds Only for a few years now and we recently went to a fostering seminar with hopes of fostering new or returned greyhounds. I picked up Ava this afternoon from a pretty sketchy home. Her nails were extremely long and her ears were fithly, but she cuddled with […]


Multi-Purpose Golf Push Cart!

There are some days when you think you have seen it all…and today was one of them. By working in a big city I am exposed to a lot of weird stuff all the time. This morning, I saw something I never expected…a homeless man with all his belongings on a golf push cart. The […]

Apple CSS

a fun day with CSS and HD.

Getting rid of tables is extrememly satisfying to me when working with HTML. Fewer tables: cleaner code, easier to maintain code (throw away those WYSIWYG editors), faster loading code, and personally is very satidfying after years of cluttered and extraneous code from GoLive. I spent a good chunk of time today getting rid of hundres […]

Serenity Now!

what a day.

This email to one of my Mac OS X Admin lists sums up my day: “This is M… F… from Germany. I am intersted in the searchmachine Lucene” What? Exactly.


Accountant Amy

Thank goodness I went to Penn State and met an amazing accounting student, now accountant, Amy Wessner. Running your own business so you can work on cool projects with interesting clients is one thing, but managing finances, marketing, managing off site servers and clients at all hours is another. Thankfully, I happen to know Amy! […]



Nothing like working hardcore until your body is compeltely run down…andI am there now. I have been spending at least 14 hours a day for the last two weeks working in some way or another and now I am paying for it. I was out of commission all of yesterday and again today. Send healthy […]


DJ GT vs. Project C

I listen to music all day long. I think it helps me work and stay focused and excited on my projects. I cannot speak highly enough about the DJ GT vs. Project C mixes from Generation Trance. If you like dance/electronica/trance music at all make sure you check out a few of the DJ GT […]


To MacBook Pro or to Not MacBook Pro?

I have been struggling over the idea of buying a new MacBook Pro (still not natural to say or hear) since they came out. I am not generally keen on buying a first generation anything from Apple…but then again, waiting for the next rev. might make me wait for a year. I will be using […]


Google Maps + Sopranos = Sopranos Maps

Fifteen months ago, when I knew I had to wait sixteen months to see the next season of Sopranos I was not sure I could wait…but with only a little over a week left before the first episode of season six, I am pumped. HBO has added Sopranos Maps to the Sopranos HBO web site […]


Video Blogs

Yeah, I am late to post about video blogs, but hopefully this will be news for some ;). I have been watching Rocketboom for a little over a month now and love it (today it went high def!). Not only do I watch it…my TiVo downloads it and has it ready for me every night […]