Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Nagios Dependencies and Parents

Nagios 2.2 was released today so I decided to update my Nagios install at home which monitors my company’s server as well as Ken’s company server. I use Nagios, currently, to monitor ping, smtp, imap, pop, httpd, dns, and ftp. Just the basics. Once I get some free time, I am going to set up […]


Short Game Practice

Every day for the last week I have been going outside after work with Triscuit to practice my short game. Triscuit runs laps, and I get my sand wedge and some wiffle golf balls out and aim for a specific target (the sandbox). I am hoping to focus on my short game and course management […]


2G iPod on last leg.

I bought my iPod back in 2002. It is big and bulky, but trouble free for four years. Last week when I tried to scroll through the menus to chose a song to listen to, my screen went faint, and would only show contrast upon getting to certain points in the menu. When connected to […]

jappler.com Serenity Now!

time to take a big deep breath.

The last week has been absolutely crazy. I had a house full of house guests from Thursday until Sunday Amy and I brought Ava to her new home on Saturday where she has a 14 year old greyhound sister as well as a beagle too Huge storms here on Sunday/Monday…so strong our front door (glass/screen) […]

CSS jappler.com Web Development

jappler v14.

Well, I have done it again, a slight redesign to the eye, but a major overhaul on the backend. I have pretty much converted all what once were graphics into text with CSS. I have been working on this for a few weeks now and when I get a few minutes here and there, I […]

Web Development

roundcube webmail.

I had another busy weekend this past weekend and one of my many tasks was to download and try RoundCube webmail (PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS). I have been using Squirrelmail since early 1999 but was intrigued my Alex King’s post on RoundCube webmail a few weeks ago. The install was painless and I had everything […]


ubuntu 5.10 for PPC.

Well, after some problems downloading the 3.3GB image of Fedora Core 5 and then my PowerBook not recognizing the DVD media (no, I was not about to re-download all five install CD images and burn them to CD…this is not 1993 again with installer floppies everywhere…and I did not have any other DVD media on […]


Ava Update

Well, it is coming up on three weeks now that we have had Ava. She has been a joy to have and we are excited to say Greyhounds Only has most likely found a permanent home for Ava. I realize I do not post enough pictures, so I am going to try to do a […]


time suck.

Some days are more fun than others. I did not have time to install Fedora Core 5 today, but will hopefully get that going in the next few days. Lots of work, but hopefully I will be able to wrap a few things up tomorrow. A big congrats to Doug as he is working on […]


Fedora Core 5 for PPC Users is Available

I have not had any recent how-tos or informational articles, but I am hoping to end that dry spell tomorrow after I install and configure Fedora 5. I have been very happy with Fedora 3 and 4, and look forward to the most recent release. Stay tuned. PS…yeah I know that other builds, besides PPC […]


From the Train

On my way into work I thought about how better to allocate my time so I can fit in time to relax. (sad, I know) I ended up thinking I could save some time at night by blogging on my way home on the train…so here I go. The last few days have been challenging. […]

Business Food/Drink

Moxie and Tax Day

Well, as 2005 is my first year as a small business owner, I am learning something new everyday. On Monday, I learned the importance of having a really good accountant, as he called me and gave me a heads up on the fact that my 2005 taxes were due today. Thankfully he prepared an extension […]