Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Apple HOWTOs

fun with defaults write in Mac OS X.

Ever since yesterday’s defaults write question and then post, I have been doing some fun research on what else is possible with defaults write Note:Most of these changes require you to restart the finder after entering these into Terminal.app killall Finder. change your screenshot file format: defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG or TIFF or PNG […]

Apple HOWTOs

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

A Mac OS X/UNIX newbie asked me if there was any way to show all the hidden files in Mac OS X so that he could browse the UNIX directories when using the Finder. Since there may be others out there that have the same need/want I thought I would share an easy way to […]


Fusion Radio Chicago

I like to listen to music all day long while working because it helps me get into a good groove. I have recently discovered a new internet radio station: Fusion Radio Chicago which helps during the mundane coding. If you like dance/electronica music give it a shot!


Rove On!

This past weekend was a great weekend. Nice weather, golf…and a new purchase…a Land Rover Discovery. A’s Civic was a hardcore car, but not something I wanted to drive, or something that I felt safe in. Time to upgrade to a Land Rover. I know…gas consumption…everything has pluses and minuses and I am fully aware […]


Fluxiom: A Beautiful Digital Asset Manager.

Yesterday I happened to read an article on a new online digital asset manager called Fluxiom. (Using a reflection on a graphic will never get old for me.) I instantly was impressed by the UI (user interface) after reading the Vitamin review of Fluxiom and would recommend people taking a look at it as well. […]


State of the Blogosphere

Technorati recently posted the “State of the Blogosphere” which shows the growth rate of blogs over the past three years. Technorati’s research showed that there is now, on average, a blog created every second of every day and the blogsphere is doubling every six months! Lots of interesting tidbits, so if blogging interests you, take […]


Gasoline and Sweat

Yard work…you either love it or hate it. After recently moving from a condo into a house, I am very pleased it is summer and I now have to mow the lawn, trim the hedeges, edge the sidewalks, weed whack where the lawn mower will not go, and fertilize the yard. That is what I […]

Web Development

Cool Tasks Pro Feature

I have been using some version of Tasks since 2003 and absolutely love it. Not only does it help me organize my thoughts and projects, it also provides me with a searchable database of all the solutions I have come up with for my projects. For the last several months I have been using Tasks […]



Last Friday I decided to finally check out FeedBurner. I am now using their service for my RSS feed, so anyone who reads subscribes to my RSS feed will notice some changes. Now via RSS, you are able to: Email the post to anyone Add the post to del.icio.us Add comments Read Comments Check out […]

Web Development

top ten web design pet peeves.

After working with HTML and web design for just about ten years, I have found a number of things that drive me crazy with other people’s designs/web sites…so here is the top ten in order: lack of cross platform and multiple browser QA lack of search a new window that when it opens, maximizes to […]


Audi Q7 (Which Leads into a Volvo/Ford Rant)

If you know me, you know that the slogan “Volvo for Life” is perfect for me. When I was in college, my parents bought me my first car so I could have one for my five week archaeology field school in Virginia at Thomas Jefferson’s home at Polular Forest. I then traded that in for […]



Instead of practicing my short game or enjoying the nice weather in the backyard on the hammock, I decided to spend my day yesterday squashing IE 6 bugs. Issue #1 and #2 that took me several hours to resolve: Everything displayed fine in Safari, Opera, Firefox, etc but not in IE 6 for the PC. […]