Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

How to Keep the Loud Neighbors Quiet

While spending the long weekend at my not in-laws, we took Triscuit to her foster parents’ house to hang out with their two greyhounds. When we picked up Triscuit yesterday Triscuit’s foster parents had a great story to share. Apparently they have a neighbor who likes to play their radio so loud that the commercials […]


jappler's del.icio.us.

One of my tasks I am going to take care of this weekend is to populate my del.icio.us favorites, so if you are interested in what web sites, articles, etc I find interesting enough to bookmark, check out my del.icio.us favorites in the next few days. [tags]del.icio.us[/tags]


Oregon Trail Goodness

Oregon Trail is one of my favorite games of all times. As I was watching RocketBoom on Monday (brought to me by my TiVo), I had to laugh when I saw Amanda’s shirt “You have died of dysentery” because I absolutely loved it. As a die hard fan, who still plugs in my Apple IIgs […]

CSS Hints HOWTOs Web Development

troubleshooting/debugging css.

After spending fourteen hours this weekend working on CSS for a project (99% positioning), I thought I should write something about troubleshooting and debugging common problems I usually run into in hopes it can save others a few minutes/hours/frustration. What to do when the unexpected happens (including when nothing at all): class(.) or ID(#)? There […]


say hello to ken pesanka.

Last night I was working with my good friend Ken and he asked me about possibly being a guest writer on my blog for an occasional Ken post. I thought it over and decided to give him an account. Stay tuned for a Ken post in the near future and it will be written by […]


the macbook arrives!

After months of waiting, Apple announced the MacBook in both white and black. As soon as I saw the black, I flashed back to my beloved Pismo. I will be taking a trip to one of the local Apple Stores to check these out in the next few days because I am curious about the […]

CSS jappler.com

helpful css tips.

Over the years, I have wasted a lot of time on “guessing” what would work and what would not work. Anyone just starting with CSS or looking to modify someone else’s CSS will hopefully find these tips helpful and time saving. Padding or Margin? These two attributes are often used, and more often confused. The […]

HOWTOs Web Development

SVN Revert

There are some things I am very thankful for when I am working in PhotoShop…being able to navigate the history, the background eraser, the rounded corners tool, but there are sometimes when I fingers end up moving faster than my brain and save and close PSD files before I had the chance to undo a […]


Don’t Settle

Someone who I care very much for is taking a big step today in their relationship…moving in with his girlfriend. As I am happy for him, I also wanted to share some key relationship tips that I have come to appreciate over the years. (I just celebrated my nine year anniversary this past weekend with […]


Flock Rocks!

I downloaded Flock (web browser) a few months ago and used it on occasion, but never really spent any time with it…until last night. Since I blog daily, I thought it might be cool to check out some of blogging tools that are built into Flock. I really like the “drag stuff to blog it!” […]