Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


RSS Reader Recommendations?

I have officially outgrown Safari’s RSS feed reader. I subscribe to around 100 RSS feeds and I need something better than what I have. My short list of I would ideally like: Mark as read. I use roughly three to four different computers a day and looking through the same news items because Safari cannot […]

jappler.com Javascript

jappler's comments.

Please bare with me as I make some changes to my comments code here on my blog. I am trying to make use of an awesome AJAX comments plugin as well as dress up the interface. [tags]jappler.com, AJAX[/tags]


Fun Mac OS X Screenshots

I spent the majority of Monday night cleaning up my hardrive, my email, my server space, and my iDisk. During this cleanup I saw some interesting (and in my mind funny) things…I just had to take a screenshot. Enjoy. The first screenshot is from my Mail.app. Someone had sent me an html email that contained […]


The Greyhound Sleepover!

This past weekend A and I watched Triscuit’s foster parents’ two greyhounds Wish and Gopher. I decided I needed to start taking more pictures, so check them out! The weather was perfect for them and we enjoyed a lot of time out in the back yard running around and sleeping.



I have decided to join the “fat CTO” and really get serious about my health and wanted to track what I eat, my exercise, and my weight…and thankfully there is a really cool web site that does all that: FitDay (free). Not only can I enter in all of my food items (nutritional info is […]

HTML/XTML Web Development

goodbye golive.

I am not sure that there are too many people like me still around…people that have used GoLive since it was actually called GoLive CyberStudio and owned by GoLive Systems Inc. I have been using GoLive for site management on static sites for nine years now and although I knew this day would come…Adobe finally […]

Serenity Now!

How to Keep the Loud Neighbors Quiet

While spending the long weekend at my not in-laws, we took Triscuit to her foster parents’ house to hang out with their two greyhounds. When we picked up Triscuit yesterday Triscuit’s foster parents had a great story to share. Apparently they have a neighbor who likes to play their radio so loud that the commercials […]


jappler's del.icio.us.

One of my tasks I am going to take care of this weekend is to populate my del.icio.us favorites, so if you are interested in what web sites, articles, etc I find interesting enough to bookmark, check out my del.icio.us favorites in the next few days. [tags]del.icio.us[/tags]


Oregon Trail Goodness

Oregon Trail is one of my favorite games of all times. As I was watching RocketBoom on Monday (brought to me by my TiVo), I had to laugh when I saw Amanda’s shirt “You have died of dysentery” because I absolutely loved it. As a die hard fan, who still plugs in my Apple IIgs […]

CSS Hints HOWTOs Web Development

troubleshooting/debugging css.

After spending fourteen hours this weekend working on CSS for a project (99% positioning), I thought I should write something about troubleshooting and debugging common problems I usually run into in hopes it can save others a few minutes/hours/frustration. What to do when the unexpected happens (including when nothing at all): class(.) or ID(#)? There […]


say hello to ken pesanka.

Last night I was working with my good friend Ken and he asked me about possibly being a guest writer on my blog for an occasional Ken post. I thought it over and decided to give him an account. Stay tuned for a Ken post in the near future and it will be written by […]