Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Web Development WordPress

my first wordpress plugin: WP-rssStats.

After talking to Scott I finally have a plugin which I am excited to develop and excited to share with the WordPress community…a plugin that will allow WordPress admins to see exactly how many people are subscribing to your WordPress RSS feed and who these people are. Why would I do this when Feedburner is […]


Random Coolness

I have a busy few days coming up so I am not sure how much I can post. I decided to post a few random things that I find cool: I have officially gone through all my bookmarks and moved everything to de.licio.us so if you ever want see what I feel is bookmarkable…take a […]

Web Development

learning php.

A big thanks to Scott for pointing me in the right direction. I just got back from the store with the huge book he recommended – PHP and MySQL Web Development. I plan to start work on my first “from scratch” WordPress plugin in the next few days. [tags]PHP, MySQL, WordPress[/tags]


FitDay/Lifestyle Change Update

Well, it has been ten days now since I first started watching what I eat/how much I exercise, etc and I am happy to say I have lost a few pounds. I am not looking for the “quick fix” or the miracle diet…as I know moderation is key. What I have found out about using […]


RSS Reader Recommendations?

I have officially outgrown Safari’s RSS feed reader. I subscribe to around 100 RSS feeds and I need something better than what I have. My short list of I would ideally like: Mark as read. I use roughly three to four different computers a day and looking through the same news items because Safari cannot […]

jappler.com Javascript

jappler's comments.

Please bare with me as I make some changes to my comments code here on my blog. I am trying to make use of an awesome AJAX comments plugin as well as dress up the interface. [tags]jappler.com, AJAX[/tags]


Fun Mac OS X Screenshots

I spent the majority of Monday night cleaning up my hardrive, my email, my server space, and my iDisk. During this cleanup I saw some interesting (and in my mind funny) things…I just had to take a screenshot. Enjoy. The first screenshot is from my Mail.app. Someone had sent me an html email that contained […]


The Greyhound Sleepover!

This past weekend A and I watched Triscuit’s foster parents’ two greyhounds Wish and Gopher. I decided I needed to start taking more pictures, so check them out! The weather was perfect for them and we enjoyed a lot of time out in the back yard running around and sleeping.



I have decided to join the “fat CTO” and really get serious about my health and wanted to track what I eat, my exercise, and my weight…and thankfully there is a really cool web site that does all that: FitDay (free). Not only can I enter in all of my food items (nutritional info is […]

HTML/XTML Web Development

goodbye golive.

I am not sure that there are too many people like me still around…people that have used GoLive since it was actually called GoLive CyberStudio and owned by GoLive Systems Inc. I have been using GoLive for site management on static sites for nine years now and although I knew this day would come…Adobe finally […]