Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Do Not Stop on the Tracks!

I have taken the Metra (locomotive commuter train) for over seven years now and until about 5 minutes ago, had never been on a train that has hit a person or a car. This morning we hit a car and because I sit in the front car (third seat from the front) when we hit […]

Life Music TV

Random Points of Interest

I have been completely swamped with work for the last week, but I wanted to share some random points of interest that I have stumbled upon over the last few days. I sat down to relax after a long day of coding to watch a great show on the History Channel called: Hooked: Illegal Drugs […]

Content Management Systems UNIX

command line to the rescue…again.

While upgrading a client’s web site to XOOPS 2.0.14 I ran into some issues with the XOOPS 2.0.14 package file (a tar.gz file). Stuffit Expander would only extract a few folders, then report an error and quit. After a few attempts, and all failures, I had to chose to turn to the command line and […]

Serenity Now!

Fun With Email and Mail.app

I learned something today that I cannot believe I did not know/use before today…if you click on the replied, forwarded, etc icons within mail.app message list, it will open up the email that you sent in response, forward, etc. How very handy! How did I not pay attention to this for the last six years? […]

Life Software

Big Update Weekend

The big talk in our wonderful city today was about the “Sears Tower terror plot” that did not happen, thank goodness. I am about two blocks away from the Sears Tower four days a week. In other news, XOOPS is going to release XOOPS version 2.0.14 on Monday which among several things, will bring LDAP […]


Much Calmer Morning

Thankfully this morning has been much calmer. By this time yesterday I felt like I ran a marathon and today I feel refreshed. I got caught up on my unread RSS feeds this morning and wanted to mention a few really great feeds I have been reading: Life Hacker. Just a few days ago I […]

Serenity Now!

One of Those Days

Time for a beer! Nothing like waking up at 5am and putting in multiple hours of “work” before you actually start your day job. To begin the day…I could not sleep (because of the humidity) so I decide to get up early and check my consulting company’s email figuring I can do a few simple […]

Web Development WordPress

my first wordpress plugin: WP-rssStats.

After talking to Scott I finally have a plugin which I am excited to develop and excited to share with the WordPress community…a plugin that will allow WordPress admins to see exactly how many people are subscribing to your WordPress RSS feed and who these people are. Why would I do this when Feedburner is […]


Random Coolness

I have a busy few days coming up so I am not sure how much I can post. I decided to post a few random things that I find cool: I have officially gone through all my bookmarks and moved everything to de.licio.us so if you ever want see what I feel is bookmarkable…take a […]

Web Development

learning php.

A big thanks to Scott for pointing me in the right direction. I just got back from the store with the huge book he recommended – PHP and MySQL Web Development. I plan to start work on my first “from scratch” WordPress plugin in the next few days. [tags]PHP, MySQL, WordPress[/tags]


FitDay/Lifestyle Change Update

Well, it has been ten days now since I first started watching what I eat/how much I exercise, etc and I am happy to say I have lost a few pounds. I am not looking for the “quick fix” or the miracle diet…as I know moderation is key. What I have found out about using […]