Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!


Well…I decided to check spelling of one of my tasks while using Tasks Pro and when it got to my last name (Zelazny), it prompted me to change it/add it. The spell checker, like usual, gave me a suggestion/replacement for the unrecognized word (Zelazny) and I had to laugh. The suggested word to replace Zelazny […]



A few nights ago, while watching a show on the History Channel I heard the following quote: It is not the choice you want, but it’s the choice you have. As soon as I heard it I decided it was a quote worthy of writing down. The context for the quote on the show: black […]


Phone Recommendations?

Once again I am looking for a new phone to replace my aging Treo 600. About six months ago I took my phone apart and performed a minor surgery on it to get rid of the buzzing….and now it is back. I have finally had it and am in need of a good phone solution. […]


McDonalds is Podcasting

Wow. While driving around today, I passed a McDonalds and saw on their sign that they now had “snack wraps“. I went home and after dinner, while playing some literati, decided to go to Mcdonalds’ web site and see if I could figure out what this new product was…and low and behold…I got a lot […]


On Taking a Day Off

A big thanks to Doug and his girlfriend for inviting me and Amy to Lake Carroll this past weekend. Even though it was extremely hot, we had a blast. I got up at 5am on Saturday to get ready for my 6am tee time…and by 7am the sweat was dripping down my face. (When is […]

CSS Web Development

making things work: ie 5-7 and css.

I am currently working on a CSS project that needs to work in IE 5.0+, FireFox 1+, Safari 1+, and Opera 8+ for both Mac and PC. Normally writing CSS for multiple browsers/multiple platforms does not scare me, but the IE 5.0 part scares me, particularly since I am going to have to create some […]


Taking a Day Off!

Well, I am finally going to step away from my computer for a day this weekend to just relax, fish, play some golf with Doug, and enjoy the summer. Never fear, I will be back working on Sunday (some on my WP plugin). Until then…. [tags]golf, Doug Blatti[/tags]


jappler.com for at least two more years.

When I first chose jappler.com as my domain name I was not sure if I would stick with it…but now two years later it is really starting to stick and I just renewed my domain name for two more years. Heck, one of these days I might actually start using a jappler.com email address. For […]

Hints HOWTOs

creating google maps.

I just finished a quick project for a friend that used Google Maps. I was approached with the question: “I want to create a map that will illustrate the two hotel options and the reception hall for my wedding invitation. Do you know of any mapping software that I could use to do this?” I […]


WP-rssStats development has begun.

After reading a few crucial chapters of the PHP and MySQL Web Development book I purchased a few weeks ago (I am still plugging away at it), I have decided to finally begin the actual programming of my first WordPress plugin – WP-rssStats. (see my first wordpress plugin: WP-rssStats post for more info). At this […]

Content Management Systems Web Development

random…here and there.

Some random things to point out… Amanda Congdon is no longer the RocketBoom anchor…and just when I finally got Amy slightly hooked to this awesome vblog. Wherever she goes, I will be sure to follow. She is very talented! Diet/lifestyle update…I weighed in yesterday and actually lost a few pounds last week! That is from […]

Apache HOWTOs HTML/XTML Web Development

mod_include to the rescue

After working with content management managements for well quite awhile now, the thought of creating more than seven (more than five, less than ten) static pages for a client makes me cringe. Why? I am spoiled by using template driven solutions. With templateing, if I need to make a header change, I change it one […]