Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


A Sad Day…

I cannot believe it, but Steve Irwin is no longer with us! I spent many hours – avoiding studying – watching him on Animal Planet. Thanks for making science and conservation fun for kids and adults alike! [tags]Steve Irwin, Animal Planet[/tags]


Penn State Facts and Rankings

Yesterday marked the move in day for new and returning Penn State students and in that spirit, I thought I would note a few of Penn State’s ranking facts. (Not to mention this weekend is our first football game of the season!! I look forward to another year of Joe!) UCLA is the only University […]

Web Development WordPress

CSS positioning.

There are few things that drive me more crazy than CSS, and yet I work with it and actually enjoy it on occasion (when it is all over and QA’ed). The last few days have been CSS hell. I will note that I have finally reached the point in my career where I use the […]


Recent Finds

I have been swamped finishing up some large projects recently, but in the few minutes of downtime I have, I have found some cool web sites I would like to share: If you have not heard of popurls (popular URLS to the latest web buzz) you should definitely check it out. A friend of mine […]

Serenity Now!

The Importance of Communication

Communication is very important to me and is the basis of a good relationship – personal or business. Over the last few weeks I have seen how good communication can be very beneficial and how bad communication can lead to mistrust, tension, and overall unhappiness. Case One – Good communication. I am finishing up a […]


Sports Weekend Ahead

Let’s hope for nice weather for the next few days. Amy is off to the Bears game tonight with some friends, tomorrow I will be at the PGA Championship, and Sunday I am going to golf at Cary Country Club.


Camp Greyhound Summer 2006

For the last two weeks, Amy and I have been dog sitting two amazing greyhounds: Wish and Gopher. I thought I would share some cute/fun pictures of them, plus our dog Triscuit. Having three large dogs in the house has been hectic (all three taking a walk at the same time in an area with […]


A Day of Birthdays

A quick post to wish my youngest cat – Salsa – a happy birthday (and the iMac) I have been swamped the last few days but think I have figured out how to properly set up MediaWiki to use user permissions without having to hack something together. Now to get some time together to implement […]


Blackberry 8700

After much research and some procrastination, I decided to bite the bullet and buy a Blackberry 8700. I have been using it for three days now and it is by far much nicer than I ever expected. I thought I would miss my Treo 600, but really I only miss my Rocket Mania game. First […]



I just happened to stumble onto something pretty interesting: jux2.com as I was reading about it’s sale on eBay. If you are like me…live to search, search to live (if I do not know, I search for it) you might be interested in trying out jux 2 – a meta search engine that will show […]

Life Software

Meebo me.

I have been using meebo for some time now on and off and a few days ago I added a “Meebo Me” widget to my resume sidebar to test out and I have to say…it is very cool. I am considering adding the widget to my home page as well as to my blog page, […]