Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Apple Hints HOWTOs

outlook users having issues with mail.app attachments.

A few days I came across a problem with Microsoft Outlook users not being able to open any attachments sent by someone using Apple’s Mail.app application (the default Apple email application). Fortunately the fix is quick and easy! The real problem: Apple, by default, uses a “Rich Text Format” (RTF) for composing all new email […]

Hints HOWTOs

good css practices.

I was recently asked to recommend and comment on some good CSS practices for a client and I thought I would pass some of them. Use a table of contents. I always start my stylesheet(s) with a table of contents so I can easily locate particular styles in the future. I would recommend breaking your […]


remove all .svn directories in a directory.

Anyone who uses subversion will need this sooner or later. Change directories to the root directory and run: find . -name .svn -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf. Bingo…all .svn directories are gone and you can start fresh! [tags]subversion, svn[/tags]


Another Good First Tuesday in November.

Even though I disapprove of our current administration, I still love being an American…and on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, I love being an American even more. Voting is very important to me. Voting not only let’s me voice my opinion about the future direction of the government officially, it also […]


Feel Better Soon Joe Paterno

There are few people that I admire more than Joe Paterno (Penn State’s head football coach). He inspired me when I went to my first Penn State football game when I was three years old, and he still inspires me today. During our last game in Wisconsin, one of the plays ended up on the […]

Games Life

Random Cool Web Findings

I wanted to share some interesting recent web finds: Zamzar. Convert your files without downloading any software. Yahoo! Food. Recipes, restaurants, videos…basically the Food Network done Yahoo! style. Super Mario Brothers Synthesizer. Everyone who played Mario will at least get a kick out of hearing some of the great sounds again. PDF Pad. Downloadable calendars, […]


Happy Halloween!

Although Halloween is not my favorite holiday, I do enjoy when companies throw in a little Halloween flare. I decided to play a little Yahoo! pool today and I quickly noticed that Yahoo! added a little pumpkin near the ball I was aiming for. Nice touch! On another note, check out the WordPress post a […]

Web Development WordPress

WordPress 2.0.5

I spent a few minutes (not hours) updating all my sites to WordPress 2.0.5. So far, everything is working and no issues have come up. If you not upgraded your WordPress installation, check out the fixes in 2.0.5 and then upgrade away. Great work WordPress developers!


Out With Rocketboom, In With Amanada Across America!

I have been a faithful Rocketboom video blog watcher for almost a year now. I was very disappointed when Amanda Congdon left the scene as the host, but I thought I would give the new host a chance. After a few months of watching Rocketboom post Amanda I have finally decided to stop watching it…I […]

jappler.com Web Development WordPress

wordpress permalinks fix.

I had been struggling with the the next/previous links on my WordPress blog now for several months. Nothing excites me about mod_rewrite and permalinks in general. I know both are very powerful, but with power comes frustration. My problem: All my permalinks were working correctly except for the next page/previous page links. WordPress was trying […]

Web Development

a web browser kind of week.

The last few days have been pretty busy in the web browser world. The big news: Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7.0. I downloaded it, installed it and was pleasantly surprised. Finally Microsoft is making text look good with anti-aliasing. (One of my biggest pet peeves with Windows in general). After taking a quick look at […]