Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

HOWTOs jappler.com Web Development

Web Developer Plugin: Display Ruler

When I recently updated my browser, Firefox, to the latest release and noticed that some of my extensions also needed to be updated. I do not use many extensions, but I absolutely love and rely on the Web Developer Extension. I had not gone through all the drop down menus in awhile within the Web […]


TiVO To Go for Mac

Finally, as a Mac user, I can use TivoToGo, but there is a downside…it comes with Toast. (I thought I was done with Toast in the late 1990s). Still, I appreciate their effort and will most likely buy it.


Apple’s iPhone

For years I have been talking about and dreaming of an iPhone. Up until this morning I figured Apple would release a simple entry level phone that would be fun for the same people who are likely to buy an iPod Shuffle or an iPod Nano. Little did I know, the new iPhone would be […]

Crazy Signs/Places Serenity Now!

The Great Entertaining South

I get such a kick out of the south…and this sign is a perfect example. There was such a huge problem with garage sales apparently taking over the bank parking lot that they decided to spend the money to design and produce a sign letting people know that garage sales are not allowed. Wow. Thanks […]


Walgreens Online Photo Center

Since I purchased a digital camera a few years ago, I never had the need to print photos out. Any photo that I really liked ended up on my web site or as a desktop picture. Now that I have a baby – and multiple people who would like printed photos, I decided to it […]


print file size command.

Earlier today I was asked for the command to show a file size in UNIX and so I thought I would share. There are, of course, a few ways to do this. One great little command to keep handy is:du -h. The du (display utility) will print out the size of a file or directory. […]


Hello Sony Grand Wega!

This has been a very exciting month for me. Multiple people asked me what I wanted for my birthday and Christmas and since my primary focus was on my son Evan’s birth and the end of Amy’s pregnancy, I kept telling everyone if they wanted to get me something, just get my a AmEx gift […]


MacBook Pro Afterthoughts

It has been over two weeks since I bought my MacBook Pro and I thought I would share some of my thoughts so far. I have to say, one of the coolest features that I have enjoyed is the built-in iSight. I can easily show off Evan to others without messing with any cables or […]


I Am Back

After a few days of not posting here, I am back. Every time the new year approaches, I begin to re-assess what I want to do for the year like most people. Last year I wanted to establish myself and my consulting business, get involved in some big projects, and learn more about WordPress. Looking […]


Evan is here and home!

Well, the full story is available on his web site. He is absolutely wonderful and we are excited to have him in our home. I never thought I could be so tired, but hopefully we can get some sleep tonight. My posts will be very limited over the next few days so happy holidays to […]


Christmas/Birthday Ideas

I am not an easy person to buy for, but there are a few things I would like this year. I usually ask for money or gift certificates, but if you want to get creative or bring a smile to my face, here is a few ideas: Apple Blue and White G3 poster Apple Cube […]


Getting Close to the Big Day

Every day Amy and I get another day closer to meeting our son Evan. We are both so excited about this we can barely stand it. Every day I get a phone call from Amy, I think “this is it!”…but nothing yet. I might not blog for a few days in the next few weeks, […]