Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

Help is Not Always at the Help Desk

Wow. I recently received an email concerning an account creation for a particular company I have never had to call. In the email, the technician gave me a temporary account, email address, but no password, but gave me a number to call to have a helpdesk technician “reset” my password so I could use it […]

Serenity Now!

What is in My Pocket?

I have always wanted kids, but I never wanted to be the mom that was completely obsessed with her kids that nothing else mattered. The mini van. The crowded living room full of toys. The late appearances because “we could not get the kids ready”. Yikes. Of course Evan is very important to me, but […]

jappler.com WordPress

wordpress 2.1.

I have successfully upgraded all my personal/business web sites to WordPress 2.1. I ended up doing clean installs on all my sites (it had been awhile) and only ran into one problem with the plugin PodPress. If you are using WordPress, make sure you check out the new version!


Battle of the Midwest

What a weekend! My family came to town to meet and visit with me and then on Sunday, we watched the Bears make it through the NFL playoffs…and they actually played an excellent game! I am quite excited to see the Bears play the Colts in SuperBowl! Great job Chicago. PS. I still do not […]

Web Development

Microsoft Firefox 2007 Professional Edition?

I know I generally post before my daily intake of caffeine, but this morning while going through my news via RSS, I had to do a double take when I read that there is now a microsoft firefox 2007 professional edition. As a web developer, I will be very curious to just where Microsoft goes […]


Little Miss Sunshine

For my birthday, my god mother bought me the movie Little Miss Sunshine. What a great present. This is Magnolia meets Napoleon Dynamite. If you are looking for a great movie that will surely make you laugh hysterically multiple times, this is the one for you!

Serenity Now!

All I Want is HDTV

I did not think getting HDTV was going to be so hard. Last summer I finally dropped over priced crappy Comcast for DirecTV. I have not had any issues with DirecTV and overall have been very happy with their service and picture quality. I recently bought a new TV and decided that the next step […]

HOWTOs jappler.com Web Development

Web Developer Plugin: Display Ruler

When I recently updated my browser, Firefox, to the latest release and noticed that some of my extensions also needed to be updated. I do not use many extensions, but I absolutely love and rely on the Web Developer Extension. I had not gone through all the drop down menus in awhile within the Web […]


TiVO To Go for Mac

Finally, as a Mac user, I can use TivoToGo, but there is a downside…it comes with Toast. (I thought I was done with Toast in the late 1990s). Still, I appreciate their effort and will most likely buy it.


Apple’s iPhone

For years I have been talking about and dreaming of an iPhone. Up until this morning I figured Apple would release a simple entry level phone that would be fun for the same people who are likely to buy an iPod Shuffle or an iPod Nano. Little did I know, the new iPhone would be […]

Crazy Signs/Places Serenity Now!

The Great Entertaining South

I get such a kick out of the south…and this sign is a perfect example. There was such a huge problem with garage sales apparently taking over the bank parking lot that they decided to spend the money to design and produce a sign letting people know that garage sales are not allowed. Wow. Thanks […]


Walgreens Online Photo Center

Since I purchased a digital camera a few years ago, I never had the need to print photos out. Any photo that I really liked ended up on my web site or as a desktop picture. Now that I have a baby – and multiple people who would like printed photos, I decided to it […]