Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

CSS Serenity Now! Web Development

Keep It Simple!

I am currently working on a big project which includes wrangling over 12k lines of CSS. Tonight it took me an hour to create a very simple form when it would normally take me 5 minutes. Why? Overcomplicated CSS. At this point I am using so many default values (like vertical-align: baseline; and float:none;) that […]

jappler.com WordPress

jappler.com revisions.

I have spent the last few weeks about making jappler.com more of a resource. I have spent a lot of time over the years posting about UNIX commands, web development HOWTOs, etc and would like to make that content easier to find. You will notice that I have already changed the navigation items and plan […]

CSS Hints HOWTOs Web Development

CSS and z-index.

I have been busy working on an excited project that uses some pretty complicated layouts. I was originally hired to optimize and clean up the XHTML/CSS so it would work in IE 6, IE 7, Safari, and Firefox, but now am busy working on producing the clean XHTML/CSS from the start. I needed to brush […]


cool findings.

In the past few days I feel like I have been bookmarking and tagging URLS left and right. If you are bored, or interested in looking at some really cool/crazy stuff, take a few minutes and check out the items below. Transparency with IE 6! Keyword shortcuts from OpenDNS (thanks Doug) The secret Wildfire horseradish […]

Life Stuff

Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Book

I absolutely love the HBO show Curb Your Enthusiasm so when I recently saw a commercial that showed a new season on the horizon, I got all excited. I just went to the HBO web site to get more information and found out that there is now a book available on the show! If you […]

Serenity Now!

Too Elite For Elite

Well, after a few months of using Yahoo!/SBC Global Elite (fast) DSL, I am moving back to using Comcast’s high speed cable. The speed was horrible, the support was horrible (I spoke to a “Mac Expert” who did not know that traceroutes could be done on a Mac, they thought it was only a “Windows […]

Business WordPress

Project Management

I recently finished up a web site (using WordPress as a CMS of course) for a client who besides being a client is an amazing writer. He has a best selling project management book (The Art of Project Management) and has another one coming out in the next month. If you have a few minutes, […]

jappler.com WordPress

giving wp-cache a try.

I have been going back and forth for awhile about whether to cache or not to cache, and I decided to finally try it with this site. I have heard many good things about the WP-Cache plugin and got it installed today. If you notice a difference in load times over the course of the […]

Business Web Development

First Days Working From Home

Well, the first two days of working at home have gone great. I have gotten more stuff done before 8am than I can usually do by the time 8pm comes around. I am able to get up, spend some time with my son, workout, shower, and then start working all in the time it would […]


The End of an Era

Yesterday marked an end of an era for me. As of Monday I am going to do web development consulting full time under my company name Sandbox Development and Consulting Inc. As most people can guess or know, I specialize in WordPress content management systems and blogs. I also do a lot of general CSS, […]

Web Development

google's my maps.

Google just announced “My Maps which is a great way to add your personal routes, landmarks, etc on a Google Map. This would be awesome to plot out a trip using placemarks with photos/videos taken at specific places. I am excited to play around with this!

Business Hints HOWTOs

Work Smarter

When every hour you spend impacts your bottom line, I have learned a few tricks to working smarter. Do not be a slave to email. When I am working on projects, email can be a continuous distraction. “I will just see what x client wants really quick” can easily turn into a mental distraction as […]