Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Apple Hardware

My iPhone

I finally did it, I had to…I bought an iPhone and I have loved every minute of owning it. I had an appointment the second day I owned it and the person I met with wanted to “zoom the pictures like the commercials”. I also now have the ability to carry around tons of pictures […]


Busy Busy…

It is now after 8pm and I just got through my email for the day. I am not sure how it is with other self employed people, but by far Monday is always the busiest day. Time to sit back and watch some Big Love before I have to enjoy a day full of meetings. […]


tagging with tivo!

I recently got a second TiVo and hooked it up last night and to my delight, when I upgraded the software, I found out that I could now use tags with TiVo. First tag I will put in? “Sela Ward” followed by “Chicago”. I am a nut for Sela’s work as well as all movies/shows […]


Feedburner Services: Free!

A big thanks to Demitrious for sending a link that made my 4th of July: Feedburner Free for Everyone. I have been using Feedburner for quite a long time now and have had some clients using their pay service which I was almost considering – now I do not as it is available for free. […]


Apple Evolution

Something I saw that might be of interest: A visual representation of Apple’s products. Brings me back…

Hosting Web Development

Not Yahoo! Over yahoo! Web Hosting

I have enjoyed looking at multiple hosting options through clients in the last few months. Yesterday I worked with Plesk on one account and another who uses Yahoo! for hosting. Just as I was getting ready to write a positive blog post on Yahoo’s web hosting I ran into a snag when uploading and preparing […]

Hints Web Development

w3c link checker.

I have been working on a project with a few clients where they are moving all their static content (as well as creating some dynamic content) into a CMS. They have about fifty pages done and wanted to check the links on their site to see what was broken so I directed them to the […]