Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Hardware Serenity Now!

Bluetooth Cordless Phone

I was in the market for new cordless phones after being completely disgusted with the Uniden UI and came across something I found pretty interesting: cordless phones that would allow me to make/take calls from my home line and my cell phone. A and I are famous for not hearing my cell phone while at […]


Super Snow!

We got some super snow over the last few days and I am loving it! Yesterday we got so much snow it was a two time snowblower day which is always fun. This is by far the most snow I have ever seen here (Chicago) since moving from the Buffalo area and our streets are […]


mail like it should be: online.

Not that I travel a lot and could benefit from a PO Box – but there is a company out there that will take all your mail (forwarded to a PO Box), scan it, and then put it online for you to manage. Sound interesting? Check out Earth Class Mail.

CSS Hints

Quick and Easy CSS Layout: YUI CSS Grid Builder

If you are not comfortable with CSS or want to get a layout together really quick – check out the YUI CSS Grid Builder. You can easily create a layout, add content, and get the code in a matter of minutes. At the very least – this is a great starting point for beginners! Check […]


A Saturday With Ben!

Someone that I worked with for eight years came to town this past weekend for a meeting and I was fortunate enough to meet up with him on Saturday. It was quite interesting to me that I felt as though he never left – we just picked up where we left off. (Except for the […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Thumbnails/PodPress Fix

WordPress has a great feature where it will make thumbnails out of any image you upload when creating a post. When you have PodPress installed (a great podcast plugin), the thumbnails option disappears. Finally I got sick of this and found the solution. If you ever run into this – now you know how to […]

Apple jappler.com

New Paint, Old Color

It is funny how you sometimes seem to always return to the same color. I recently decided to repaint my office (the only room we did not repaint after buying the house) from a boring beige to something a bit richer that would of course look nice with my desk and most importantly – my […]

Business Serenity Now!


My company does consulting for Delta Air Lines and while watching the latest “Planeguage” video – I laughed out loud. I happened to have this experience a few years ago on Spirit Air when I happened to be in the very last row. Needless to say the flight experience was horrible and I have since […]

Business Web Development

My Company Blog: Reloaded

If you find my WordPress and web development posts helpful, I would also recommend reading my company blog. I have been the last few weeks making sure that the content was more organized, the layout was clearer, and the posting frequency increased. I generally post about WordPress related tricks, tips, howtos, but also post about […]