Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


If You Want Something Done Right…

Finally we got a nice break in the weather here in Chicago over the weekend and it was time to get a new grill. In the past I had always bought grills that were pre-assembled but they never had an ignitor that actually worked. All the wires were always in place, but I could never […]

HOWTOs Serenity Now!

Backup to Amazon S3 With Rsync.

Finally – I stumbled upon an article that outlines how to use rsync, Mac OS X, Jungle Disk, and Amazon S3 (all which I use). This will simplify and speed up my backup process. (Especially when my external backup drive has been acting a little irregular this morning.) If you do not backup your files, […]


WordPress 2.5 Admin Color Schemes

Thankfully – it is now easy to change the colors in the WordPress Admin. I thought the new color scheme was a bit washed out – but just today they added another option which was much more vibrant. You can choose your Admin color theme by logging in, choosing Users, then selecting the color scheme.

jappler.com WordPress

WordPress 2.5 Beta 1: One Click Plugin Updates!

On my company blog, I blogged about my initial thoughts on WordPress 2.5 beta 1. I have since then updated to WordPress 2.5 beta 1 and have been pretty darn happy with it so far. All my plugins on jappler.com made the upgrade without any issues and this morning when I logged into my web […]

Life Serenity Now!

Back to the Snow

I just returned from a four day trip to FL to visit some family…and to play some golf – both which were enjoyable. I am not much of a warm weather person, but I did enjoy the break from the snow here in Chicago (the most we have seen here in ten years). I am […]

Business Life

Career Night Speaker at Penn State

I will be back in State College, PA in April to speak at the History Department Career Night. So, if any of you State College folks are around, I would love to get together with you while I am there (email me about my arrival/departure). I will be talking about my career outside of the […]


My Next 3 Wood: PING G10

It is freezing outside so I thought I would post about golf to warm up a bit. Over the last three or four years, I have replaced every single club in my golf bag. I have thoroughly enjoyed all my clubs (PING G2 irons 2-S, Titleist 975J driver, PING G5 putter), but I have not […]


Followup: Bluetooth Cordless Phone

I recently posted about the bluetooth cordless phone I ordered. Yesterday I got everything set up and to my surprise – both my iPhone and Amy’s Sony Ericsson something or other phone both paired without any problems and everything works quite nicely! I would definitely recommend this phone (or type of phone) to anyone who […]