Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

CSS Web Development WordPress

Quick CSS for WordPress Images (Updated)

A week or so ago, I posted some information on how to quickly style your WordPress images. After recently updating my company’s web site (SDAC Inc. – I noticed if you used captions, my custom CSS would not work. Here is some CSS that will work with and without image captions: The difference? I used […]

Serenity Now! TV

HD Finally!

Phew – finally after I much frustration and a crappy picture – I am making the move to HD. We wanted to get HD a year or so ago when I first bought the big HD TV, but Comcast did not offer the Big Ten Network (for all our Penn State games) and DirecTV could […]


My Favorite Thing About the Olympics

When it is time for the Olympics – I end up getting sucked into watching all kinds of sports that I never would think about even enjoying (ice skating, track and field, swimming, etc) and I keep thinking – what is it about these sports that draws me in from “eh…to a heart racing suspense […]


Generation Instant Access

I recently went on a trip which required a long car ride with my son. I figured he would do fine – just as I did when I was his age. I did not have a DVD player and was entertained by just looking out the window or listening to my parent’s 8 tracks. When […]


Where Have I Been?

In the last two weeks, I have been crazy busy and…: In New York On conference calls On more conference calls Playing Mario Cart Not blogging I will try to post some more and finally post an updated Jappler menus post.


Wii Fit, MarioKart, and Guitar Hero

I have to say – it has been a long time since I was excited about a game or a gaming console…probably since SoCom II, but lately I have been super excited about the Nintendo Wii. We got Wii Fit and MarioKart over the last week and have been loving both. I am also now […]


Something For Ben, Ken, and Doug

We all need them. We all use them. We all realize the power – but with the exception of Ben – we all run into road blocks and frustration when we try and put something together. What are they? Regular Expressions. Take a look at the cool RegEx testing tool where you can easily test […]


Apple Saves the Day

Apple saves the day for me: Hello Jennifer, I’m sorry to hear the titles you purchased from the iTunes Store with account “xxx@xxx.com” were lost. I can certainly see how this would be upsetting and I would like to help. iTunes Store Customer Support has decided to let you download (at no charge) all the […]