Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Nintendo Wii Speak Channel

The Wii is by far one of the coolest if not the coolest console I have ever owned. The one thing I do miss from my PS 2 days is the voice interaction I had while playing games. I just read about something really cool that will perhaps take care of my want for voice […]


Generation Social

As a history major – I tend to look at everything and find trends, think about what historians will write about our time, and all kinds of fun things that drive Amy crazy. The other day while I was thinking about playing Super Mario 3 on my Wii, I thought about the definition of being […]

Web Development

Debugging IE 6 on a Mac

What is worse than debugging your web application for IE 6? Debugging your web application on IE 6 when you have a Mac and have to launch Windows…or wait, do you? If you do not want to run Parallels or something similar – check out ies4osx. It is dependent on Darwine so make sure you […]


Apple High

I have had an Apple high a few times in my life (the day my PowerBook 520, PowerMac 6500, B&W G3, G4 Cube, 2 Mac Minis, and a MacBook Pro arrived at my door) and I remember each one of them very vividly. Today – I had an unexpected Apple high…I had been having problems […]

Crazy Signs/Places

Trip to the North Woods

I spent the weekend relaxing up in the North Woods of Wisconsin in St. Germain where the pace of life is much different than here in Chicago. We enjoyed time with some of our friends who went with us, the Beef-a-rama, and some very scenic drives. I wish I had my phone with me while […]

User Interfaces Web Development

RoundCube Webmail Update

I have been using Squirrelmail since the late 1990s and while it works and is dependable – the interface is still stuck in the 1990s. A year or so ago I looked at another webmail project: RoundCube Webmail but it was quire ready for primetime. The developers just released a new version which looks promising. […]

Politics TV

My New Favorite HBO Show: Real Time with Bill Maher

I have been in a HBO slump for awhile now. The Wire and Sopranos are done. Curb Your Enthusiasm nor any other show I am really excited about is on…so I started to question why I was paying to get HBO. A few weeks ago I happened to catch Real Time with Bill Maher and […]

Hints HOWTOs HTML/XTML Web Development

Uncheck Checkbox Values

I recently ran into a situation with a custom form where users had a number of checkboxes where the values were saved upon submit. When they went back through the form to make changes, if they unchecked something that was already checked and submitted the form again, the checkbox value would not change (not empty). […]

Serenity Now!

Whoa – That is a lot of Water…

Over the weekend, we got hammered with rain here in the Chicagoland area. About four years ago – when I lived in Des Plaines IL – I had the joyous opportunity of sandbagging around the perimeter of our condo before the big flood. On Saturday, we jumped in the Land Rover and headed to see […]


Seven Years Earlier…

It is hard to believe it was seven years ago today that the US was attacked. I do not think I will ever forget that day. I was working downtown back then – in an office building a block away from the Sears Tower. We did not have any TVs in our office and the […]


Fall is in the Air

This is by far my favorite time of the year. Penn State football, cooler weather, fall golf, and no more bees…what else can you ask for?

Web Development WordPress

Show One Post/Page in WordPress

If you want to have a content area somewhere on your site that shows content from a post or page – and you want to do this with using the simplest of code (no loop, no query_posts, etc), check out the function get_post. The get_post function allows you to simply get one post’s title, content, […]