Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Not a Late Night at All!

I was ready to spend my entire evening and early morning glued to to TV on election night as there would surely be some sort of controversy with voting – but the winner was clear..all before 11pm CST. I thought both Obama and McCain gave great speeches. Seeing McCain give his speech was like seeing […]


How Late Will I Be Up Tonight?

Each year I enjoy staying up as late as I can so I can go to bed knowing who got elected. The past two elections have made this a little difficult, but I am hoping this year to make it until Barrack gives either speech at Grant Park in downtown Chicago. I hope to go […]


The Vote: 2008

I remember voting in 1996 – my first ever Presidential election. Back in those days I attended Young Republican meetings at Penn State and I voted for Bob Dole. The next two elections I voted for the democrats that ran and even attended my first rally (for Al Gore) in Daley Plaza with Ben and […]

Web Development

How to Test .htaccess Files

A quick way to find out if your server is reading your .htaccess files is to type “test” or any text into it. If the .htaccess file is being used – you will get a server error when you reload a page on that site. If you do not get an error – you most […]

Hints HOWTOs

How to Find Geographical Coordinates

Ever need to find your location using latitude and longitude? Do a search for your destination using Google Maps and then when your destination is in the center of the map – type: into the browser address bar (no http or www) and your coordinates will appear.


Kelly's Dress

Not everyday does one of your friends end up on a designer’s web site. My friends Kelly and Doug got married back in June and everyone thought Kelly’s dress was amazing. Apparently the designer agreed so they posted her wedding picture on their company web site so now everyone can see how amazing she looked. […]

Hints Serenity Now! Software

Clean Up that Photo Library!

In the past few days I have found it really hard to focus on work because my mind keeps drifting back to Triscuit. Because of this I have tried to do some things that I have been meaning to do but have not had time/want to do them. One of them: take a break and […]


Quiet House

Today was my first full day without Triscuit with me. Working at home was such a treat for both Triscuit and me. Every time I would get up to get a drink, check the mail, etc I would go over and see her, pet her, and talk to her. She kept me company and tried […]


My Beautiful Girl…

On June 10th, 2000 – Triscuit came into this life, and without us knowing it at the time, the perfect dog was born. She bred to race and had a successful racing career (Triscuit’s racing stats) for two years. The first race she ever raced in she got 3rd and the next race she got […]


Triscuit Update

We just got a call from Triscuit’s neurologist. He is going to do a MRI in about an hour to see what is going on. He thinks there is a good chance it is either a slipped disc or possibly a tumor. If it is a slipped disc – they can do surgery and the […]


Sick Triscuit

I was hoping to use the WordPress iPhone app while somewhere fun or boring but instead I find myself in an animal ER while my beautiful girl Triscuit is getting looked at. A few days ago T started having problems with walking and today I had to carry her everywhere. We are not sure what […]

Games Serenity Now!

Overheard While Getting My Tire Fixed…

Yesterday while I was at a certain repair shop (not the dealership) I overheard a conversation that blew me away. I was waiting to get my tire fixed (flat) and at the parts desk, I heard the following: Guy 1: “Did you watch the rebate last night?” Guy 2: “You mean the debate? I watched […]