Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


A Trip Down Apple Memory Lane

I have been a die hard Apple fan since I can remember. I have a closet full of old Apple products (desktops, laptops, a Cube, eMates, Newtons, displays, iPods, etc) that I have either had in the past or have since bought for my collection. I ran across a blog post filled with pictures (and […]

Places Politics

US Inauguration Traditions

Yesterday for the first time I actually got the chance (or remember) to see a lot of the activities prior to the actual presidential inauguration. As someone that absolutely loves history – yesterday was so magical for so many reasons. First of all – to see over 2 million people peacefully (no arrests) come together […]


White House Blog

I came across the new White House Blog today: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/. Although it is not WordPress 😉 – I will definitely follow this and see how they actually use it. If you have never been to the White House web site – it is definitely worth a visit. The site has all kinds of facts, videos, […]



Thankfully I do not have to take the train to work, and walk across the Chicago river on days like today. We have been having highs in the negative degrees the last few days and it has been really challenging to even open the door. It is so cold that A has not had school […]


Call for All PSU Friends to Gather…

I received a long awaited phone call yesterday – from one of my favorite people of all time: Amy G (now Amy M after getting married). We had not spoken for some time – but it was great to catch up. Amy was Amy’s (my Amy) roommate freshman and sophmore year. Not only did we […]


The Story of My Life – Told in the Header

For the last few versions of Jappler.com – I have had images in the header arranged in a way to tell a story. My roots. This picture was taken out of my car on the road my parents live in NY. My home. Old Main on the Penn State campus. I was destined to go […]


Jappler Recommends: Less Plastic and More Green

After watching Sometimesdaily With Amanda Congdon – she playfully suggested using jars for drinking glasses to save money. As a big fan of drinking out of mason jars already – this episode got me thinking… Amy is always complaining about BPA leaking into our food when we use and reuse our plastic/tupperwear containers which I […]


Jappler Recommends: Shutter Reloaded

I had been looking around for some alternative lightbox like plugins (for photos) and came across the super lightweight option: Shutter Reloaded. The script is super lightweight (10k), does not require any other libraries, and works perfectly without having to add any additional code. If you are looking for a nice little lightbox like plugin […]


Happy New Year

2008 has been one hell of a year. Personally: my son turned two, my sister had a baby, we went on a great trip to Disney World in the summer, I ended my golf season with my best round all year. Business: I had some great opportunities to work with some great clients and really […]