Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

Read the Fine Print

While installing an update to one of my applications (Jungle Disk) yesterday – I ran into some of the smallest “fine” print I have ever seen. I know that it is generally small – but I had to laugh when I saw this. [responsive-image id=’5008′ align=’center’ caption=”]

Places Politics

Wasting Money the Government Way

Here in Illinois we have been hearing about the Rod Blagojevich fiasco for weeks. I have been busy for the last few weeks and have not watched the news or his trial – but I did happen to catch that as soon as he was impeached – IL spent $15,000 to remove signs on our […]


LEGOs Anyone?

While looking through a pile of links this morning – I came across something really cool for LEGO lovers: I LEGO N.Y. Personally I recently nailed up a LEGO board on my office wall so I could start adding pieces to make something fun and creative when I was either stressed out or stuck on […]

Hints HOWTOs Web Development

PHP 4 or PHP 5? You Pick the Flavor

I recently ran into a situation where there were two versions of PHP on a server and I needed to make sure PHP 5 was being used. To pick the version – all you need to do is add the following into your .htaccess file (assuming you do not have access to your httpd config): […]


Give Credit to Single Parents

I have to say – there are not too many days that go by where I think to myself at least once a day “I cannot imagine being a single parent”. I was sick yesterday and all I could do was lay in bed…moving was not a real option. Thankfully – I have A to […]

HOWTOs Web Development

HOWTO: Use RapidSVN for SVN

If you are a web or application developer, there will come a time (hopefully) that you will need to use subversion for your projects. While I use the command line for this – there are some GUI applications that make it easy for people to manage their files using subversion. For this documentation, I have […]


Experience the Inauguration

Amanda Congdon does not disappoint with the latest installment of <a href="http://sometimesdaily.com/. If you want to see a really cool look into what it was like to be in DC for the inauguration – take a few minutes and Sometimes Daily”>watch the awesome video they put together. Like usual – great work guys!


A Trip Down Apple Memory Lane

I have been a die hard Apple fan since I can remember. I have a closet full of old Apple products (desktops, laptops, a Cube, eMates, Newtons, displays, iPods, etc) that I have either had in the past or have since bought for my collection. I ran across a blog post filled with pictures (and […]

Places Politics

US Inauguration Traditions

Yesterday for the first time I actually got the chance (or remember) to see a lot of the activities prior to the actual presidential inauguration. As someone that absolutely loves history – yesterday was so magical for so many reasons. First of all – to see over 2 million people peacefully (no arrests) come together […]


White House Blog

I came across the new White House Blog today: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/. Although it is not WordPress 😉 – I will definitely follow this and see how they actually use it. If you have never been to the White House web site – it is definitely worth a visit. The site has all kinds of facts, videos, […]



Thankfully I do not have to take the train to work, and walk across the Chicago river on days like today. We have been having highs in the negative degrees the last few days and it has been really challenging to even open the door. It is so cold that A has not had school […]