Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Jappler Recommends: LEGO Digital Designer

Thanks to a fellow Zelazny who commented on my recent LEGO post – I am going to spend my weekend creating my own LEGO set and you can too: ldd.lego.com. Within moments, I created a LEGO man with an oxygen tank, and placed some bricks to get the feel for it. How cool is this? […]


Jappler Recommends: Makeshift Wii Fit

I have always thought walking/running on the treadmill was boring. It was ever so slightly more exciting at the gym because you could get some good people watching in – but even that gets boring. The last few days I have decided to kick it up a notch by distracting myself with some Nintendo Wii […]

Serenity Now! Web Development WordPress

Side Projects

Between normal day to day work, maintaining a house, spending time with the family and pets, exercise, relaxing, and enjoying life…there is not too much time for fun side projects these days. I have been trying to complete a few really cool things over the last few months without much luck…but I think March will […]

Serenity Now!

Read the Fine Print

While installing an update to one of my applications (Jungle Disk) yesterday – I ran into some of the smallest “fine” print I have ever seen. I know that it is generally small – but I had to laugh when I saw this. [responsive-image id=’5008′ align=’center’ caption=”]

Places Politics

Wasting Money the Government Way

Here in Illinois we have been hearing about the Rod Blagojevich fiasco for weeks. I have been busy for the last few weeks and have not watched the news or his trial – but I did happen to catch that as soon as he was impeached – IL spent $15,000 to remove signs on our […]


LEGOs Anyone?

While looking through a pile of links this morning – I came across something really cool for LEGO lovers: I LEGO N.Y. Personally I recently nailed up a LEGO board on my office wall so I could start adding pieces to make something fun and creative when I was either stressed out or stuck on […]

Hints HOWTOs Web Development

PHP 4 or PHP 5? You Pick the Flavor

I recently ran into a situation where there were two versions of PHP on a server and I needed to make sure PHP 5 was being used. To pick the version – all you need to do is add the following into your .htaccess file (assuming you do not have access to your httpd config): […]


Give Credit to Single Parents

I have to say – there are not too many days that go by where I think to myself at least once a day “I cannot imagine being a single parent”. I was sick yesterday and all I could do was lay in bed…moving was not a real option. Thankfully – I have A to […]

HOWTOs Web Development

HOWTO: Use RapidSVN for SVN

If you are a web or application developer, there will come a time (hopefully) that you will need to use subversion for your projects. While I use the command line for this – there are some GUI applications that make it easy for people to manage their files using subversion. For this documentation, I have […]


Experience the Inauguration

Amanda Congdon does not disappoint with the latest installment of <a href="http://sometimesdaily.com/. If you want to see a really cool look into what it was like to be in DC for the inauguration – take a few minutes and Sometimes Daily”>watch the awesome video they put together. Like usual – great work guys!