Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Media Mondays: Q101's Phone Taps

I generally do not listen to the radio, but I really enjoy listening to Chicago’s Q101 in the mornings and afternoons just to hear the fun phone taps. What is this I speak of? Think Jerky Boys, but better. Basically- people set up their friends to get a call from a woman called Clarissa Jenkins […]


Jappler Blog Format

After four years of blogging – I think I finally am getting close to having a solid idea of what to write that would be both regular and interesting. I am going to make each day of the week specific to something that I find interesting. This will not only hopefully be more interesting for […]


Jappler Recommends: iTeddy

Believe it or not, there are some days when I do not feel like watching Wall-E. My son Evan does not seem to agree with me, but that is ok because he has an iTeddy The iTeddy is like a iPod within a stuffed animal. It hold music, videos, and pictures and allows Evan to […]


Yeah, I am on Twitter

I am on Twitter. I resisted for a long time due to not quite wanting to commit to it, the technical issues, but after using Facebook and really enjoying the status update feature the most…why not move over to using Twitter and then I would still be able to give updates but not have to […]


Sometimes it is Just a Matter of Finding the Right Project

I have probably been busier the last four months than any other time in my life. I have not had more billable hours than usual, but I have been doing a lot of learning, debugging, learning to better debug problems, and organizing. For years I had been talking about improving my PHP and Javascript skills […]

Music Podcasts

Glam Scum

I have recently become a fan of a DJ by the name of The Scumfrog and have really enjoyed his podcast called “Glam Scum International”. If you like electronica/club/vocal trance – give him a shot. Make sure to check out episode 8 first (my favorite so far).

Places Serenity Now!

Socializing on the Web

We have all seen or heard of a lot of the web’s big social web sites (Facebook, MySpace, online dating, etc) but the other day when I was in the car listening to the radio – I was a combination of disturbed, somewhat impressed (with the idea that this market was targeted not the actual […]

Crazy Signs/Places Serenity Now!

US Post Office Sign

Some things in life just make me laugh…and one of those signs are crazy signs. The other day I had to send something next day at the post office and when I pulled into the parking lot of one of the most ineffective establishments in the US (only second to the DMV) I had to […]

TV WordPress

Completed: One Life Goal and One 2009 Goal

Every Easter my family went to Myrtle Beach for a week to two weeks and we stayed in my mother’s cousin’s beach house. Alone, that was exciting, but what was mesmerizing was this thing called “cable”. Sure – cable was around when I was younger, but my parents thought channels 2-13 were enough for us. […]


Jappler Recommends: Skitch

My new consultant Ben yesterday was troubleshooting an issue with me and he sent me several links using a service called “Skitch“. I finally checked it out because I am constantly taking screenshots and low and behold – Skitch kicks ass. Check out this image I created in a matter of seconds for an example: […]



I have had some beef with my neighbors in the past. They have weird habits, refuse to shovel a foot of snow on my property, and are generally strange…but I have to say the last week has given me some hope. On Thursday we had to call 911 for Evan (cracked his head on something […]


TiVo Mobile

I am a huge TiVo fan (TiVO – not your clunky generic DVR). Outside of TiVo – I cannot thinkg of anything I have used/seen technologically that have worked as expected for years now and still after years of the same – are still as impressive to me as the first time I used them. […]