Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Linkfest Thursdays: May 21st 2009

For this installment of linkfest Thursday – check out the sites I have found in the last few days: Colors Palette Generator If you are looking to create a color palette and you want to use certain colors from an image – this is the place to go. You can upload any image and it […]

Films Hints

Media Mondays: RipIt

My son is a super fan of the movie Wall-E and when I tried to rip it for my iPhone and his iTeddy – using Handbrake the entire movie was out of sequence which even though did not seem to phase E, it bothered me to no end that my son was watching a completely […]


Linkfest Thursdays: May 14th Links

Here are some interesting links I have found in the last week or so. Hulu Most of you have heard of it, but if you have not checked it out yet – take a look. You will be impressed. No more excuses – just take a few minutes and check it out. Watchismo – I […]


CSS Tuesday: Overide Inline Style

How many times have you worked with either someone else’s code or some crazy dynamically generated code that uses inline styles for everything which you need to change or override but cannot for some reason or another? I have seen this a lot with custom applications written by programmers who think they are doing designers […]


Media Mondays: Q101's Phone Taps

I generally do not listen to the radio, but I really enjoy listening to Chicago’s Q101 in the mornings and afternoons just to hear the fun phone taps. What is this I speak of? Think Jerky Boys, but better. Basically- people set up their friends to get a call from a woman called Clarissa Jenkins […]


Jappler Blog Format

After four years of blogging – I think I finally am getting close to having a solid idea of what to write that would be both regular and interesting. I am going to make each day of the week specific to something that I find interesting. This will not only hopefully be more interesting for […]


Jappler Recommends: iTeddy

Believe it or not, there are some days when I do not feel like watching Wall-E. My son Evan does not seem to agree with me, but that is ok because he has an iTeddy The iTeddy is like a iPod within a stuffed animal. It hold music, videos, and pictures and allows Evan to […]


Yeah, I am on Twitter

I am on Twitter. I resisted for a long time due to not quite wanting to commit to it, the technical issues, but after using Facebook and really enjoying the status update feature the most…why not move over to using Twitter and then I would still be able to give updates but not have to […]


Sometimes it is Just a Matter of Finding the Right Project

I have probably been busier the last four months than any other time in my life. I have not had more billable hours than usual, but I have been doing a lot of learning, debugging, learning to better debug problems, and organizing. For years I had been talking about improving my PHP and Javascript skills […]