Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Media Mondays: Harper's Island

I did not start watching the series Harper’s Island until two weeks ago – but have since caught up on all the episodes and would recommend it to anyone who is not afraid of some horror-like plot lines. I was surprised how good it was and eagerly await the new episodes – even if there […]


Random Fridays: Train Surfing

Event hough I do not live near the ocean, I still enjoy surfing as much as anyone else (and have ever since watching the movie North Shore). There is something very satisfying and exciting about catching the perfect wave – everything clicks, and you just seem to almost fly – or at least that is […]


Linkfest Thursdays: June 4, 2009

There is only one link today – and that is to the video The Controverse 44. I have been watching Amanda Congdon for a few years now and finally decided to chime in on a question about the show “Jon and Kate Plus 8″…and she actually read my comment during the show (Twitter: superjank) Rock […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: It is All About the Query

My last ten or so projects I have been working on all have a common theme: maximize WordPress’s ability to be a powerful CMS. Clients more and more are coming to me with the need to create a custom fields which they can store/query data throughout their site. WordPress is completely customizable and because of […]


Media Mondays: Terminator Salvation

I was a die hard Terminator fan back in the 1990s. My sister and I watched the first two movies quite a few times on VHS. I have every edition of T2 on DVD and when I went to Penn State back in 1995 – I had already hung up 3 T2 posters in my […]

Games Serenity Now!

Random Fridays: May 29, 2009

This past week has been absolutely crazy. Hectic work days, a baby shower at my house, a car accident (with Amy’s $51k loaner) – not her fault, crazy deadlines, etc. I will be happy when I can just sit back and relax this evening (before the weekend chaos). Through all of this craziness – I […]


Linkfest Thursdays: May 28th 2009

Here are a few links from the past week that I found interesting: Fancast Another great web site where you can watch a surprising number of TV shows/movies online. Remind me again why my cable bill is more than my parent’s 15 year mortgage? Rocket Mania This flash version is great for a quick break. […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Take Control of Missed Spam

Even with Akismet, and http:BL installed to stop spam – I still get the occasional spam comment. Until a few days ago, I simply got frustrated, went into the WordPress admin and then marked them as spam. Then after thinking about this more, I remembered you could actually enter in your own text pattern that […]


CSS Tuesdays: Cool Breadcrumbs

There are plenty of times when you need to have a clear navigation path back to home or to a main section on a particular page, and most web developers use “breadcrumbs” to do this. Over the years, I have implemented breadcrumbs a number of ways, but I really like what I saw on Verlee’s […]


Random Fridays: The Raccoon Fight

Last night, about 1-2am I woke up to alien like sounds. First there was some hissing, then some clicking, and then some noises that sounded like cicadas almost. I was very disoriented and had no idea what was going on. After waking A up to see what she thought it was, she told me it […]