Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Games Serenity Now!

Random Fridays: May 29, 2009

This past week has been absolutely crazy. Hectic work days, a baby shower at my house, a car accident (with Amy’s $51k loaner) – not her fault, crazy deadlines, etc. I will be happy when I can just sit back and relax this evening (before the weekend chaos). Through all of this craziness – I […]


Linkfest Thursdays: May 28th 2009

Here are a few links from the past week that I found interesting: Fancast Another great web site where you can watch a surprising number of TV shows/movies online. Remind me again why my cable bill is more than my parent’s 15 year mortgage? Rocket Mania This flash version is great for a quick break. […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Take Control of Missed Spam

Even with Akismet, and http:BL installed to stop spam – I still get the occasional spam comment. Until a few days ago, I simply got frustrated, went into the WordPress admin and then marked them as spam. Then after thinking about this more, I remembered you could actually enter in your own text pattern that […]


CSS Tuesdays: Cool Breadcrumbs

There are plenty of times when you need to have a clear navigation path back to home or to a main section on a particular page, and most web developers use “breadcrumbs” to do this. Over the years, I have implemented breadcrumbs a number of ways, but I really like what I saw on Verlee’s […]


Random Fridays: The Raccoon Fight

Last night, about 1-2am I woke up to alien like sounds. First there was some hissing, then some clicking, and then some noises that sounded like cicadas almost. I was very disoriented and had no idea what was going on. After waking A up to see what she thought it was, she told me it […]


Linkfest Thursdays: May 21st 2009

For this installment of linkfest Thursday – check out the sites I have found in the last few days: Colors Palette Generator If you are looking to create a color palette and you want to use certain colors from an image – this is the place to go. You can upload any image and it […]

Films Hints

Media Mondays: RipIt

My son is a super fan of the movie Wall-E and when I tried to rip it for my iPhone and his iTeddy – using Handbrake the entire movie was out of sequence which even though did not seem to phase E, it bothered me to no end that my son was watching a completely […]


Linkfest Thursdays: May 14th Links

Here are some interesting links I have found in the last week or so. Hulu Most of you have heard of it, but if you have not checked it out yet – take a look. You will be impressed. No more excuses – just take a few minutes and check it out. Watchismo – I […]


CSS Tuesday: Overide Inline Style

How many times have you worked with either someone else’s code or some crazy dynamically generated code that uses inline styles for everything which you need to change or override but cannot for some reason or another? I have seen this a lot with custom applications written by programmers who think they are doing designers […]