Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


WordPress Wednesdays: Where to Begin

A lot of people want a web site or a blog but do not know where to start or what all WordPress has to offer. If you are looking for a great, easy to use system to publish content on the web – I would start here: Start Free. If you want to simply check […]


Media Mondays: Radio 538 iPhone App

This week I recommend anyone who enjoys listening to Radio 538 (I love the Dance Department) – to download and use the Radio 538 iPhone App. (Julie – this means you). You can get the application for free using iTunes. Even though the controls are not in english – it is easy enough to figure […]


Linkfest Thursdays: June 11, 2009

This has been a hectic week, but there are sites I wanted to highlight. Marry Bop Dump This is a web site I have been working on with a friend of mine (Brett). Our goal was to make an addicting rating web site where you could upload your own photo and see how you rate. […]

CSS Hints Web Development

CSS Tuesdays: Fun With User Agents

If you are going to do any serious CSS development and/or troubleshooting – you need to be able to see the site on as many browsers as possible. Generally – we have several browsers on several operating systems going at once so we can make sure our bases are covered. Last week I built a […]


Media Mondays: Harper's Island

I did not start watching the series Harper’s Island until two weeks ago – but have since caught up on all the episodes and would recommend it to anyone who is not afraid of some horror-like plot lines. I was surprised how good it was and eagerly await the new episodes – even if there […]


Random Fridays: Train Surfing

Event hough I do not live near the ocean, I still enjoy surfing as much as anyone else (and have ever since watching the movie North Shore). There is something very satisfying and exciting about catching the perfect wave – everything clicks, and you just seem to almost fly – or at least that is […]


Linkfest Thursdays: June 4, 2009

There is only one link today – and that is to the video The Controverse 44. I have been watching Amanda Congdon for a few years now and finally decided to chime in on a question about the show “Jon and Kate Plus 8″…and she actually read my comment during the show (Twitter: superjank) Rock […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: It is All About the Query

My last ten or so projects I have been working on all have a common theme: maximize WordPress’s ability to be a powerful CMS. Clients more and more are coming to me with the need to create a custom fields which they can store/query data throughout their site. WordPress is completely customizable and because of […]


Media Mondays: Terminator Salvation

I was a die hard Terminator fan back in the 1990s. My sister and I watched the first two movies quite a few times on VHS. I have every edition of T2 on DVD and when I went to Penn State back in 1995 – I had already hung up 3 T2 posters in my […]