Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Software TV

Media Mondays: The Price is Right iPhone App

I have been a Price is Right fan since I can remember. I watched it every day I was home sick from school, in the summers, at Penn State while eating lunch at the Hub, and now any chance I get either online or while Amy religiously watches it during the summers. When I saw […]


Linkfest Thursdays: August 27, 2009

I did not have too much time to post this week, but I did find some interesting sites to share: TV.com iPhone app. Finally I can watch some TV on my phone! WordPress Search Plugin. We all want improved search, here it is. CSV to LDIF converter. Sometimes you just need weird things like this. […]


Media Mondays: The Universe

I am not sure why I did not pay more attention in my college Astronomy class (perhaps it was too much math ;)), but lately I have been throughly enjoying the History Channel’s The Universe show. You can check out video clips and some full episodes online if you are interested. This show does an […]

CSS HOWTOs Web Development

CSS Tuesday: Images as List Bullets

There are plenty of ways to spruce up the boring bullets used in HTML lists. The best way and most browser compatible way I have found to do this is using the following code: You can see that here: Example of fancy bullet Another bullet point Vs. The plain list: Example of fancy bullet Another […]

Serenity Now!

Random Fridays: Thank Goodness Summer is Almost Over

Summers seem most people’s favorite times of the year because of vacations, being outside, etc and while I generally do not hate summers – I also am not a fan. You can keep the heat, summer vacations, and all of that because my favorite time of the year is quickly approaching…fall. Fall to me means […]


Random Fridays: Taking Vacation

Taking vacation sounds nice to most but to me it is never really been enjoyable. The work pile up when I get home is always out of control and I end up feeling like I do now: run down, overwhelmed, and unable to catch up. What is the trick to coming back to a less […]


Media Mondays: Internet Archive

Every once and awhile I like to go to the Internet Archive to check out what my sites have looked like a few years ago, or to look at Apple’s early web sites (all archived), but recently I took a closer look at the Internet Archive and noticed I was missing out on a lot […]