Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

Random Fridays: Thank Goodness Summer is Almost Over

Summers seem most people’s favorite times of the year because of vacations, being outside, etc and while I generally do not hate summers – I also am not a fan. You can keep the heat, summer vacations, and all of that because my favorite time of the year is quickly approaching…fall. Fall to me means […]


Random Fridays: Taking Vacation

Taking vacation sounds nice to most but to me it is never really been enjoyable. The work pile up when I get home is always out of control and I end up feeling like I do now: run down, overwhelmed, and unable to catch up. What is the trick to coming back to a less […]


Media Mondays: Internet Archive

Every once and awhile I like to go to the Internet Archive to check out what my sites have looked like a few years ago, or to look at Apple’s early web sites (all archived), but recently I took a closer look at the Internet Archive and noticed I was missing out on a lot […]


Random Fridays: Olympics in Chicago?

I have been anxiously awaiting the news of whether or not Chicago will get the 2016 games and it looks like some others are getting antsy as well. The Chicago Tribune put out an article “Chicago awards contract to clear Olympics site” today that makes me even more hopeful. Of course there are plenty of […]


Linkfest Thursdays: July 23, 2009

Here are some links I found interesting over the last week. Wii Sports Resort I am really looking forward to this. Archery, basketball, table tennis, and more. Get ready! AD Gallery Wow – another great jQuery gallery plugin. This combines all of my favorite functionalities in one. Import your WordPress blog into Facebook Hmm, I […]

Web Development WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Get the Current Page

I was writing some functions that are used in the admin for my commercial WordPress theme: Lucidity and stumbled upon a great variable in WordPress: $pagenow. This variable will return the current page you are on and is great form admin functions – especially those that you want to only make available on certain pages. […]

Serenity Now!

Random Fridays: Too Much Stuff

I am not sure what happened – but lately I feel like I am surrounded by way too much stuff. I recently went through the garage and cleaned it out, went through my office and threw away tons of phone cords, ethernet cables, triplicate serial cables for old Macs, and this weekend – it is […]


Linkfest Thursday: July 16, 2009

Here are some links I found interesting over the past week or so. Google Health. If you have heard of it (or not) and want to learn more about it – check it out. My doctor is using this and I am super excited. Screencasting Resources If you have ever thought about doing this – […]