Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Linkfest Thursday: September 10, 2009

This week – I feel like I really found some gems. My Personal Golf Trainer Coming to Nintendo Wii Finally – real help (in my living room) in the off season! Three Potato FourAmazing stuff – I will take one of each Twitter Icon SetsLook no further for some amazing icons After the Deadline WP […]


Media Mondays: PlayStation 3

I had been a huge fan of PlayStation 2 – mostly for games like SoCom II, Grand Theft Auto 3, and Madden football but when PlayStation 3 came out – I thought it was just a tad too expensive for the amount of time I would actually have time to play it. With the recent […]


Linkfest Thursday: September 3, 2009

Here are some links I found interesting over the last week: How Twitter Works (some of you are still not sure) Playgrounder (cool stuff finder for kids and parents) How to Make Rounded Image Corners (sometimes you just need them) Astronomy Picture of the Day (even has a RSS feed)

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Custom Taxonomies

I recently worked on a project where we needed something sort of like tagging, and sort of like categorizing – but neither really worked as there would be way too many exclude this and only show that stuff involved. I needed a way to classify certain content, have easy access to it, and display it […]

Software TV

Media Mondays: The Price is Right iPhone App

I have been a Price is Right fan since I can remember. I watched it every day I was home sick from school, in the summers, at Penn State while eating lunch at the Hub, and now any chance I get either online or while Amy religiously watches it during the summers. When I saw […]


Linkfest Thursdays: August 27, 2009

I did not have too much time to post this week, but I did find some interesting sites to share: TV.com iPhone app. Finally I can watch some TV on my phone! WordPress Search Plugin. We all want improved search, here it is. CSV to LDIF converter. Sometimes you just need weird things like this. […]


Media Mondays: The Universe

I am not sure why I did not pay more attention in my college Astronomy class (perhaps it was too much math ;)), but lately I have been throughly enjoying the History Channel’s The Universe show. You can check out video clips and some full episodes online if you are interested. This show does an […]

CSS HOWTOs Web Development

CSS Tuesday: Images as List Bullets

There are plenty of ways to spruce up the boring bullets used in HTML lists. The best way and most browser compatible way I have found to do this is using the following code: You can see that here: Example of fancy bullet Another bullet point Vs. The plain list: Example of fancy bullet Another […]