Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Business Serenity Now!

The New Beast

I do not know about you – but the last year has absolutely been insane work-wise. I have said it before and I will say it again. I feel like the people that still have jobs – are working at a super frantic rate. I decided to work late tonight to get caught up on […]

Serenity Now!

Where Am I?

Where am I that a boy floated away in a balloon this week and it was a huge news story? Really – is this the big news we should be focusing on? I am actually more curious about the state of Afghanistan and the Jonhsonifcation of Obama (I believe Obama is failing into the exact […]


My Take on Twitter

So many people still do not get Twitter so here is my take: I was forced to get a Facebook account in order to work on an API project for a client. After a few months of using it for then personal stuff – I got completely sick of all the garbage. “X person played […]


Try and Try Again

Well – In the past I thought about posting on a particular subject certain days of the week would be good for me and something the readers might find interesting…until I started dreading it, posting less, getting a lot less comments, and realized I was pushing content like traditional media (I say when and where, […]


Random Fridays: Chicago 2016 No More

Well – after three years of waiting/planning for this day and 70 million dollars spent…Chicago got out in the first round of voting for the 2016 Olympic location. I am completely stunned we got knocked out and during the first round at that. I had it all planned too…all my construction friends would have plenty […]


Media Mondays: Madden 2010 for PS3

I have been enjoying Madden 2010 so far on the PS3 – but I cannot seem to figure out how to get an offense together. My defense is solid, but when it comes to offense – if I can score one touchdown – that is pretty darn good. I am playing with my team – […]


WordPress Wednesdays: Little WordPress Gems

Every once and awhile while looking through the WordPress documentation, I find little gems. Here are a few that I found particularly interesting: wp_page_menu Easily create a menu with the home page appended onto the menu with a lot of parameters. Similar to the standard wp_list_pages, but with some different possibilities the_search_query I have seen […]

Food/Drink Software

Media Mondays: Chipolte Chipotle Ordering iPhone App

Last week I did some browsing and found something really awesome (for the Chipotle fans out there) – an iPhone app that will find the nearest Chipotle(s) then allow you to place an order using the iPhone app. The application is call Chipotle Ordering and is a free download. No more waiting in line or […]