Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Jappler Recommends: 2009 Finds

I have found a lot of really cool things over the last year and wanted to share my 2009 favorites before the year was over. General Cleaning Service The money spent on hiring someone to clean is worth every penny. Dog Trainer With two more kids on the way – it was time we taught […]

Business Hints

Quality Assurance (Pre vs. Post)

So many people want to get their sites/projects/etc out so fast they completely overlook quality assurance (QA). I have recently worked with two extremes and wanted to comment on both. Quality Assurance pre-release Any time I work on a project – I always build in time for quality assurance. Quality assurance time is specifically spent […]


Busy Yes, Blogging Yes!

It is hard to believe how little I have been able to actually blog about over the last two months or so. I have been busy with a number of big site projects – some that were the most complicated I have ever worked on (techland.com to name one) – my proudest recent achievement. I […]


The Only Apple x Killer is Apple

All these crazy commercials and talk about the new Droid phone makes me smile. I think back about all the proposed “Apple x killers (x = Mac, Newton, iPod, iPhone) and what makes me smile is there is no third party Apple product killer and I do not see any in the foreseeable future. The […]