Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Jappler Recommends: Hey Okay

About mid-day I need a pick me up as I have been working, on conference calls, and in need of something that will make me smile. Enter: http://www.heyokay.com/. If you are not familiar with this site – take one minute to look at this picture and tell me it is not at least a little […]


Jappler Recommends: Venice the Series

I believe I have mentioned it before – but if there are any Guiding Light fans out there that have not seen this yet (Amy G/M!) – you should definitely check it out. To see Crystal Chappell, Jordan Clarke, Gina Tognoni, Tina Sloan, and Jessica Leccia again in a beautifully shot series has been amazing. […]


Farewell to My Helper

A few weeks after we moved out to Chicago from Penn State, I decided I wanted to get a kitten because my childhood kitten, no matter how many treats I gave him or how many hours I played with him, really jumped up in my lap or slept next to me by choice. One afternoon, […]

jappler.com WordPress

WordPress 2.9 RC 1

Well – it is that time again – another new version of WordPress is coming out in the next few days (WordPress 2.9). I am running WordPress 2.9 RC 1 here on jappler.com and only one issue so far. If you have not read anything about the newest version soon to be available and you […]

Serenity Now!

Index Spoiled

I really wish I could index and catalog everything in my house. Today I needed to solder something and I know I just saw that solder somewhere in the last two days, but I cannot find it for the life of me. Times like this I wish everything in my house was as searchable as […]