Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


WordPress 3.0 (beta1)

I have been testing WordPRess 3.0 for a few weeks now and have been very happy with what I have seen so far. The merge of Standalone WordPress and WPMU code is huge for me as you then only have one code base to maintain and develop for. As always – the developers continue to […]


Building Big Things on a Small Budget

Most people have great ideas, good plans, and little follow through. Over the years I have seen a lot of this and have even participated on occasion (my want to create heated windshield wipers for one). With consulting – time and time again – I hear great ideas, get a time/cost estimate in place and […]


My iPad

My iPad…do I love it? Yes. Is it everything I imagined? Yes. Is it better than expected? Yes. Is the keyboard easy to use? Yes. Do I love it? Oh my yes. Am I using it now for this post? Yes! Beautiful work Apple. I best describe this as “the future”.


Jappler Recommends: Trim the Fat With Facebook Status Updates

I cannot tell you how bothered I am when my “news feed” is littered with all sorts of updates about zoo this, farmville that. I like to keep up to date on family friends but I really do not care about the games they are playing which I am not participating in. Fortunately – Facebook […]

Hints Serenity Now!

Make Opportunities

Several years ago, the company I worked for had a secretary full of life lessons which she would tell me about each morning. Out of everything she ever told me – one thing really stuck. She told me “Jen – don’t wait for opportunities, make them”. There are not too many days that go by […]


Health Care Reform

I was up late Sunday night watching the news coverage on this and I was happy I could witness this historical moment in our country’s history. Everyone has their own opinion on the bill that was passed and here is mine. I do not expect all to agree, but here is my take. As a […]