Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Summer Golf is Here

I recently went out golfing for the first time with Doug at my favorite course Foxford Hills. I only got out a few times last year and I was not sure what the outing would be like.

Hardware TV

No One Knows Me Like TiVo…

I recently upgraded to a TiVo Premiere a few weeks ago and since the hardrive is significantly bigger than my previous Series 2 TiVo – I decided to let TiVo make suggestions of what to record with TiVo suggestions and was pleasantly surprised. I have gotten back into the original Batman series (Adam West, Gilligan’s […]


Lacking Speed?

Over the last few weeks I have added several new devices to my home network (iPad, guest computers, two new TiVOs, new router, etc) and have noticed my VOIP phone quality go way down. After doing some initial troubleshooting, taking devices offline one at a time, etc – I decided it was time to call […]


Back from Blog Vacation – Goodbye Facebook!

Just as we all need a vacation from work, etc – I needed a vacation from blogging. I took a month off to think about what I wanted to do with this and my other blogs, as well as my presence on Twitter, Facebook, etc. I have been thinking about the time I spend on […]