Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Business Hints User Interfaces

When Designing – Use Real Content

There are many lessons to learn out there as a designer, and please let this be at the top of your list: when designing something – whether it be a business card, a brochure, or a web site – use real content. Lately – when doing any design work for a client – we always […]


Managing Time (Pre-Contract)

Over the past year – I have been really trying to tighten down a lot of processes/functions in my company – and wanted to talk a little bit about managing what I call “pre-contract” time. When potential clients first contact us – I generally spend thrity minutes to an hour getting the initial project information. […]

Business Serenity Now!

Finding Your Pace

We all work at different paces. Some like to try and do everything really quickly so they can relax later. Others wait until the last moment and race to get things done (they find energy and excitement in the challenge to finish). Still others prefer to keep a grueling pace throughout the entire project in […]


We All Make Mistakes…Even McDonalds

I was just about to write a post about how excited I was that McDonalds is starting up their Monopoly game and when I went to go to their web site to get some details – I got the generic Apache page (indicating a web server issue). While I am still excited about Monopoly – […]


Buying a Telescope

There is something about looking up into the sky and realizing how small we are in comparison to everything around us. This has helped me greatly put things into perspective while also pushing me to learn more about our universe. For a few months now I have gone back and forth on whether or not […]


Jappler Recommends: Work/Life Balance

Over the last few years I have, like most other business owners, struggled with a good work/life balance. While I do not feel like I am at an optimal balance yet – I know and I a lot closer than I once was. This can be tricky – but here are some tips that will […]