Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Life Serenity Now!

Holy Crap

I walked past this car and it instantly made me laugh. What did those birds eat – and what did the person do to them that owns this car?


Our Broken Political System: Fixed Jappler Style

Tomorrow is mid-term elections and over the last few weeks I have grown more and more disgusted with the campaign tactics and politicians in generally. Not only do we have to put up with horrible attack ads, we have to also put up with “well they are not going to do anything with issue y […]


Too Busy for…

The last two years or so I feel like I have been constantly saying “I am too busy for this” and “I am too busy for that” – both of which I really want to do (enter in golf, relax, drink more water, exercise even send something in the mail. I know – it is […]


Sonic the Hedgehog 4

Recently I have been playing a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. It was one of my favorite games of all time and pretty much defined the summer of 1996 when I lived with a friend of mine who played that and NHL 96 with me day in and day out.