Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Asset Management

I spent a few hours this past week thinking about “the big picture” for my company. I decided to focus a good chunk of time this month on improving workflow and streamlining certain tasks and processes. One process that I am going to tackle is asset management. Our designers/clients send a barrage of email with […]


Almost Spring…

Since it seems like it is almost spring – I decided to do some grilling over the weekend and forgot to cover it. This morning I went out in the backyard and had a lovely reminder it is still very much winter. Perhaps I will cover up the grill again after everything melts 😉


Jappler Recommends: Words With Friends

I admit it – I am hooked on Words With Friends (very similar to Scrabble). One of my friends got me hooked last week and ever since I have been playing with him and some random people online. What is this? Think Scrabble with a beautiful interface, the ability to play one turn at a […]


iTunes Web Interface

I have been enjoying Apple’s web interface to iTunes. Last week I wanted to pass on a link to one of my favorite podcasts and was able to send this link which allows you to listen/preview/subscribe to the podcast all via a web browser. Sharing has never been easier. PS – check out episode 281 […]


Valentine’s Day = Lou Malnati’s

Nothing says Valentine’s Day in my house like Lou Malnati’s Valentine’s Day heart shaped pizza. I look forward to this every year – and every year they do not disappoint. Who needs a fancy dinner/restaurant when you have this?


McDonald's Shamrock Shake is Back!

As I was ordering my Fruit & Maple Oatmeal from McDonald’s this morning – I noticed the Shamrock shake is now available! My recommendation: ask for it half Shamrock/half chocolate for a real treat!


Iffy v. Ideal Clients

I love having the opportunity working with a number of diverse clients from very diverse backgrounds. There are certain clients though that you can – right from the initial contact – that are going to be “iffy” v. “ideal”. I have learned over the years how to easily spot the “iffy” clients. They clients are […]


Why I Use Google Docs

I have an assortment of clients – all who prefer to pass documentation back and forth in a number of ways: email, spreadsheets, documents, faxed, etc. Over the last year or so I have been using Google Docs for almost all of my client interaction/checklists/etc. Using Google Docs is great for a number of reasons […]